❁Chapter 37❁

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Chapter 37

"Why haven't you ever told me how you got a dorm to yourself?" asked Bea as she lay on one of the empty beds, she was yawning occasionally from staying up with James studying, or "studying" because although Bea tried to get James to study, it didn't really work out when he looked so good with his tired smile and messy hair, and well, he was very good at persuading.

"Because you wouldn't like the answer," Violet spoke casually. She was rummaging through the many piles of clothes sprawled over the floor in order to find a specific red dress that she wanted to wear for the Thursday ahead.

"That sounds promising. Please tell me?" asked Bea, pushing herself to the bottom of the bed and looking up at Violet with her perfectly mastered puppy eyes that she had used on Remus plenty of times.

"No, don't you dare!" Violet warned, dramatically shielding her eyes whilst Bea laughed, "Phoebe Lupin I'm not telling you."

"why not?!" she exclaimed, "what could be so bad?"

"Let's just say my roommates didn't like the thought of sharing a room with someone...like me," Violet sighed, pulling the hoodie over her head and soon was she helped by Bea when she got stuck in it.

"Wait, what?!" Bea exclaimed.

"See I told you, I told you!" Violet huffed, "it's no big deal, it was years ago!"

"That doesn't make it right!" Bea shrieked, "so they didn't want to share a room with you because you fancy girls?!"


"Why not?!" Bea huffed, "did they think you were going to fancy them or something?! Because if that's the case then they need to stop thinking so highly of their twatty selves, they're lucky if they'd even get a troll to like them never mind the best girl to ever walk the halls in this castle!"

Violet smiled softly, soon fixing the dress she had finally found and pulling on Bea's arm in order to hug her, "I don't need dormmates that are going to think like that, Bea, I'm glad I'm on my own because our sleepovers are much better when it's just us."

"True," Bea mumbled, though she couldn't help but frown, "you're better off without them anyway. Maybe we should set you up with someone just to piss them off in the common room."

Violet laughed softly though it was very evidently forced, "no it's alright, Bea, I don't like anyone right now."

Bea nodded, though it was eating away at her. She needed to talk about it, she couldn't get it out of her head, she wanted Violet to know that she knew and that she was completely okay with it, she wanted Violet to have peace and not have to keep it from her, though she didn't know if that would hurt her more or help her.

"Not even," she choked on her words, her heart was pounding in her chest though she didn't know why, "not even me?"

Violet stopped, looking down at her best friend with a look that could only be read as shocked, she was very evidently shocked at the words that left Bea's mouth and for a second, a tiny, split second, she was filled with hope that Bea could feel the same way but she knew it was impossible.


"Don't talk like that, Vi, I'm not mad or anything, of course, I'm not. You of all people should know how I feel about love," Bea whispered quietly.

"How...how long have you known?" Vi asked, she was still shocked and could barely form a proper sentence. Her hope had come crashing down around her, Bea didn't run to her, or kiss her, or hold her in her arms and whisper sweet nothings as she shouted from the rooftops that she was in love with Violet, she just looked...the same.

Pretty Little Bumble Bea /James Potter/ ❁book 1❁Where stories live. Discover now