the sister (2)

861 22 1

When I got home everything was the same



My brother is probably at his girlfriends house where he practically lives and my mom and step dad are at work

I put my bag down by the door not planning on doing anything for school tonight because I completed my home work in class

I go to the kitchen to get something to eat It would most likely be chips because I'm honestly a fat ass

After I eat I leave a note for mom telling her that I am going over kenzies house to work on a project

Part of that is true I am going to someone's house to work on a project but it's not necessarily kenzies

If my mom's found out I was going over a boys house that would be the end of me

I grab my flash drive, computer, and worksheet to work on the project and put it in a briefcase holder thing (I honestly don't know what it's called but my step dad got it so I could be more organized)

I don't have a car and I don't have a ride so I have to take the bus

I honestly get so scared whenever I have to take the bus I have been on it plenty of times but it just scares me how I would probably get off at the wrong stop

As I get on the bus I look at its number three times just to make sure it's the right one

And as I'm in my seat I repeat the address again and again to calm myself

This boy is already giving me anxiety and I'm not even at his house yet what the hell man

I get off at what I think is my stop and walk to 132nd street, I stand in front of a green house and look at the house address a couple of times to make sure

I knock on the door and a little girl opens it up she is one of the cutest things I have ever seen

"Hello" She says waving her hand "who are you?"

"Hi, I'm Jessie" I say with a huge smile "and who might you be?"

"I'm Melanie but you can call me mel " She sticks out her hand to give me a hand shake and I gladly take it

"Melanie I thought I told you not to answer the door if someone rings the bell while I'm in the shower" someone calls out from another part of the house

Melanie turns her head to face the person "but she knocked"

That made me giggle a little

"No it doesn't matter you're not supposed to answer the door if I'm in the shower"

"Oh all right" She says crossing her arms and facing me again "sorry but I'm not allowed to answer the door Jessie maybe next time" She smiles and slams the door in ny face

I giggle a little thinking about if I had done that as I was a kid...probably not though, my dad would have beat me

I get my phone out to text Bryce because I didn't want to disturb his family if that was his home and if it wasn't then I should get going now

I walked down the driveway while typing

"Hey" someone called out

I turned around and it was Bryce walking out the door

"I'm sorry about my little sister she didn't mean to slam the door in your face I told her not to do that again"

"Oh no its okay I knew she didn't mean it in a rude way she was just obeying your rules I understand"

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