(11) We. Are. Just. Friends

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I sigh running my hand through my wet hair from the shower I had just taken minutes ago.

I put on my clothes for today, I had a blue graphic Crop-T, some ripped jeans, and red shoes

I went to go and look at myself in the mirror and I noticed the right side of my face forming a bruise and I groaned inwardly

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I went to go and look at myself in the mirror and I noticed the right side of my face forming a bruise and I groaned inwardly. Now I got to cover this up every day

I out on loads of concealer and setting powder and when I finally looked in the mirror and was satisfied I walked out the door ready for the day

As usual Lance appears by my side as I'm walking to school but I'm a bit concious

"Hey" I said

"Hey, look about last night" he starts but I just shook my head

"Don't worry about it, you were mad and drunk. I just entered in at the wrong time."

He nods "exactly. Thanks for understanding "

And I just smile it doesn't quite reach my eyes but it's a smile

Mistakes happen

People deserve second chances

He's my boyfriend I just entered in St the wrong time

And with that I was at school

It was B day and I had Walsh, then P.E., then finally calculus

But right when I entered Language arts (Walsh) I told him I was going to be in the nurse because I didn't feel to well

I don't know why. My mouth moved before I could think and so did my legs because I found myself walking towards the back of the building towards the art room

I walked In and Ms. Amoris just smiled "What's up Jess? Why aren't you In class"

"I told him I didn't feel well" I don't lie to Ms. Amoris, there's nothing to lie about she makes me feel safe and she doesn't judge

"Well do you feel sick?"

"Sort of...does on the inside count?"

She nods with eyes full of concern "of course it counts.  you want to sketch? They're learning shading since this is the freshmans  but you can work on anything you'd like to get your mind off of things"

I take in a breath of paint filled air and I feel happy, she always knows what to do to make me feel better and if she doesn't, she doesn't push me. She let's me be free and I love her for it

I nod my head and go to the back to get sketching pencils and a piece of paper and I get to work

I didn't know what I was drawing at first. Just like I had walked here I let my hand flow against the white sheet of paper letting it turn into black lines

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