(15) why is he looking over here he has a girl

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"Ahhhhhh" Kenzie screams while I'm eating some spag "Homecoming is tonight!! I'm coming to your house to get ready just so you know, I need you to do my hair and makeup since you're really good" 

I smile "well thanks for that free compliment" 

she rolls her eyes "you really need to get better humor hun" 

"now it's my turn to roll my eyes, Hun? really?" I chuckle 

"oh shut up, Kyle has been rubbing off on me" 

"Oh I can tell" she glares while I just shake my head. She looks up and it looks like she remembered something "Oh I was meaning to ask you" she looks back down at me "who's that girl that Bryce has been with for the past two days?" 

I look behind me and squint, confused "huh.. I don't know"I look back at her 

"is she anyone we should worry about?" She asked and I just shook my head slightly "to be honest I don't know, she hasn't come up to me so I don't know if she is mean, shes probably one of his flings, won't last more than two days"  

"hm.. I don't know he has a genuine smile on his face. that's a rare sight to see," 

I laugh "you do realize he's human, I have seen him smile"

"well yeah but that's because he likes you."

I shake my head and get up to throw my trash away while Kenzie follows me "he does not" and I turn to walk back to the table, sitting towards her. "we're just friends, plus he looks..pretty cozy with her"I look up to see his arm around her shoulder laughing at some guy from the football team 

"oh stop don't be jealous" I roll my eyes while she scrolls through her phone 

"I am not jealous, plus shes probably just a fling anyways"

"oof sorry boo look" she holds the phone in front of my face and it's on Bryces Instagram with a new picture of him and the girl he was just laughing at on his back. 

"okay?" I say trying not to be phased but come on I don't even do that.. this girl must be special 

"read the caption" I look back down at the phone and there it says 'This girl is finally back, she always brightens up my say <3' 

"hm.." okay.. so I don't know what to think right now 

"he probably knew her before and were together and she left and is now.. she's back?"

I just nodded "shoot... Shouldn't have said that right? no no they probably aren't anything serious"

I just roll my eyes and give a chuckle which came out more like a nervous laugh "no stop you're just being honest"

she just nods figuring she should shut up then the bell rang "well we should go, meet me at my house at four thirty" 

"got it," she said while she walked the other way to head to class

Kenzie arrived at 4:29 pm "hm early are you" 

"always on time bb" I just rolled my eyes "what do you want to start with? Makeup, hair or dress?"

"hm," she says putting her hand on her chin "dress so I don't mess up any of it" 

"what about getting makeup on your dress?"

"just put a towel over it"

"truuue" she just rolls her eyes and leaves to get her dress on while I go to get mine from upstairs when I walk downstairs shes dressed in the cutest coral dress I have ever seen "okay okay I know I have seen this dress already but fuck! with it on you look like the queen of the world" she laughs "oh shut up, go get yours on" 

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