The fight (3)

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My mom gets off the phone with my brother and she's fuming

I try not to say anything because whenever she is mad at one person she's mad at everyone else

She looks over to me "Why are you late?"

"I left a note, I had to do a project with Kenzie"

"You know you should be home on time you get out at 2:20 you have plenty of time to do a project and be home in time for dinner"

"It's a big project mom and dinner isn't even served yet Rays still cooking it"

"Are you talking back to me?"


"Sorry what's that?"


"Good now go and set up the table, put only 3 drinks because your brother is going to be home late"

I nod and put the plates, silverware and drinks on the table

We all sit at the table and pray then dig in

Mom and Ray start to talk about my brother and I just stay quiet I don't like talking about my brother

We are the closest people in our family 

After dinner mom tells me to wash dishes which I hate she never does it herself because of her "back"

I am almost done with the dishes when I hear a car parking noise and steps to come inside

I finish my last dish and go see who it is

It's my brother, he walks up the stairs immediately and puts Kendrick Lamar on blast

Mom walks up the stairs to yell at him

Not just for the music but for everything that has been bugging her today

I stay downstairs knowing it's going to be bad

Like usual..

There is screaming and yelling that start going off from upstairs

Ray puts on his headphones and starts editing stuff in the computer

I sit


Praying for it to stop

It doesn't stop

I start to cry I know both of them have anger problems and it's hard for them both to learn to shut their mouths

I go upstairs so I could try to stop it

matt aka Matthew aka my brother is sitting on the bed crying while my mother is yelling at the top of her lungs when Matt here's something he doesn't like he starts yelling himself

"Guys guys stop stop please.." I step in

"Did you know he stole money from my bank account"

I look over to my brother for him to explain

"It was ten dollars for an I tunes account I told her I would pay her back"

"No you shouldn't have stolen in the first place Matthew"

"Mom look he said he would pay you back what's the big deal"

"Jessie get out of this NOW"

"No you guys need to stop"

"Let me get the belt" mom walks out of the room into Rays closet and I start to cry harder

Matt gets in front of me to stop her from hitting me

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