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August 1st, 2004

Lights flickered, white walls reflecting almost blindingly, a tick sounding every second as it passed. Tables pressed against the wall surrounded the examining table, brown eyes slowly moving around, studying everything.

Lips pressed together as she whistled, the sound so loud she felt small vibrations where she was strapped down. She didn't quiet or pause as the door opened, eyes shutting as she caught sight of a Hispanic lady clad in a lab coat. She smiled, though it went unseen.

"Ms. Tammy. How are you feeling today?"

Ignoring her, she continued her whistling, pausing only when she heard the sound of tools being moved. "You'll be the sixth doctor sent in here. What makes you think you'll be successful?"

She opened her eyes, and the doctor suppressed a shiver as she saw those big brown eyes, too cold and emotionless for a ten year old. Tammy was smirking and she forced a smile. "Well for one I won't bother you with chit chat and give you time to escape those restraints on you." She nodded to the straps around her arms, legs, torso and neck.

Tammy snorted. "Bit extreme I think."

"You bit off Doctor Smith's finger. I think it was necessary we did this." She sighed as she held the syringe, "You know this has to be done Tam."

"Don't call me that. Nicknames are used when you're friends - you're not a friend. You're a doctor pretending to be nice so I won't hurt you." She shut her eyes, "There's no way I get out of this. Go ahead, science me up."

Doctor Brooks looked through the two sided mirror, before she sighed. Her hands were steady as she inserted the needle in Tammy's neck, ignoring as the child winced. Pressing down she watched the orange and pink swirled liquid leave, entering Tammy's blood stream.

Her body sagged once the needle left, sweat breaking out as her body began to shake. "The process will be...mildly uncomfortable for the next twenty four hours. When you wake up, if your body accepts the change, we will send you to training designed for you."

She turned, hand reaching out to grab the handle. Tammy chuckled, weak as she shook. "What? You're - you're not gonna tell me who my now parents are?"

Doctor Brooks froze, "All in good time Tammy."

~     ~     ~

January 19th, 2005

Brooks bit her bottom lip as Doctor Smith came running out, blood gushing from his nose. "Why does this always happen to me?!"

She heard a chuckle come through the speakers. "You can't keep me strapped down assholes!" The laugh turned into a cackle, and she covered her mouth with her fingers, "You'll regret what you do to us! One day you will!"

"Doctor Brooks - there children here trust you more. Will you do the honors?"

She nodded, heading in through the door. Brown eyes met hers as she received a sarcastic smile. "Well helloooo Brooky! How are you this fine day? I'm quite fine - technically I'm still nine as I was born at 11:03 this evening. But hey? Who's counting? Better yet," Her voice went serious, mouth falling into a serious line, "Who cares?"

"Eve, you know this has to happen. And you know if you just accept it and let me help and do this now, it'll be easier in the long run."

Eve scowled, "Why do you do this? It's a breeding ground here - equivalent to a puppy mill!" Doctor Brooks frowned, and Eve stopped talking, studying her.

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