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Night had fallen and passed quickly, the once dark hue of the city being awoken, slowly the roar of the city began to louden as people made their way to work, children to babysitters or daycare. The house deep in the forest stayed dimly lit, sun blocked by hanging branches, animals investigating the outside area before fleeing.

The lot in the house had been kept up so late that the few hours of the morning passed and not a single soul stirred awake in the hold. As the time crept on, light fighting its way through, they began to waken. Tyler was the third to wake up, untangling himself from where Craig had a death grip on him, mussing his hand through his hair he began making his way to the kitchen.

Luke and Lui were already awake, Luke sipping on coffee, scrolling through his phone while Lui snacked on an apple, sitting on the counter top. "I hate staying up so late..." Luke grumbled, "Fucks up my sleeping schedule."

"You say this as if you have a sleeping schedule." Tyler rolled his eyes, grabbing his mug and pouring himself a cup, "What did you all think of the girls?"

"They're good. I do mean really good." Lui answered, throwing the apple core away, "No one else we've fought or even spared with has been able to either take us down or take forever to be taken down. And Evan and Evangeline? That was some scary shit."

Luke nodded in agreement. "I think with their skills and their knowledge of the inside of the facilities we have a good chance with them on our side."

"So you trust them?" Tyler asked.

Luke hesitated, "We have a good chance with them on our side."

Tyler snorted, rubbing his eyes sleepily, Lui hopped down off the counter and got a water bottle from the fridge. "You believe what they said? About the experiments  on them?"

Luke shrugged. "Kinda hard to make some shit like that shit."

~     ~     ~

"How much do you want to bet those awake are talking about us?" Tammy stared up at the ceiling, feet resting against the wall, back laid on the guest bed as she laid her arms sprawled out.

"Talking about us? Yes. About trusting us? Eh, maybe." Beatrix shrugged.

Melissa sat up, attempting to flatten her hair from her bed head. "It was nice and all for them to lend us their clothes but I feel like I could wear this shirt to an American public school and not get dress coded that's how long it is on me."

Eve snorted, eyes still shut. "You're just tiny."

"Fucking fight me."

"I will and I will win."

Mel grumbled, laying back down, burrowing into her harms. "Man fuck you."

"Do we just...stay in here until they come get us? Or do we walk out there...What are we doing?" Belle questioned, body laid across Beatrix's thighs.

"I have, less than no idea." Eve replied, arms remaining crossed under her chest. "Personally I'd rather avoid awkward moments with them so I vote we wait for them to come get us. Besides, what would we be doing today?"

"More tests? I don't know." Furrowing her brows, Lola shifted a bit, "Yesterday Luke and I talked after the testing. And I told him we weren't the only ones within this gang, just the main ones. I said we knew others who could help, so we may end up having to contact them later today. Maybe Evan would try and set up a meeting with them?"

Eve sat up, raising an eyebrow. "You know they would refuse to meet them without us."

"That's if Mary doesn't assume that we're being held against our will and kill them all first." Tammy cackled a bit, "Yeah." A pause, "She scares me."

"Well assuming Luke told the others, we should tell them we can contact them and set up a meeting. Get everything laid out on the table?" Lola questioned, hands laid on her hips.

"Doesn't sound like a bad idea." Eve mused, "I still wanna wait till they come get us."

A knock pounded from the door. "Which apparently won't be too long."

Pulling the door open Tammy stood tall, coming face to face with Delirious and Brock. "Look, Luke told us last night that - "

"We had others working with us? Rogue friends who could help?" Tammy rolled her eyes, "The fact we were just talking about that makes this situation very cliche but yes. We know some people."

Delirious pursed his lips and nodded. "Right."

Brock stepped in, "We were hoping that you all could get in contact with them - maybe set up a meeting? We could meet them and discuss with them, convince them to help?"

"We as in you all or we as in us too? Because if we're not there trust me - the only talking done there will be with guns."

"With you all of course." Brock spoke, "But, you would be able to?"

Tammy tilted her head to the side, "Yeah. Have everyone ready to leave in two hours."

~     ~     ~

The air was tense, silence hung like stars. Managing to buy some proper clothes for them the girls were dressed as they normally would, lounging with content as they waited. The guys sat around them, sat almost rigid, eyes darting around every few minutes.

"So these...colleagues? They come from the same thing as you all?" Nogla questioned.

"Yeah, only difference is they managed to escape. Faked their deaths - we were the few to know it was all a ruse." Belle holstered her gun.

A car engine grew closer, parking outside of the broken down loft, doors slamming shut. Eve smirked to herself as four figures strolled in. "Looks like we found ourselves a few ghosts."

"What are you, the ghost busters?" The girls made their way to the new four, and Eve laughed at the stupid joke.

"From everything you've learned Josh, thought you would have learned how to tell a joke by now." Josh sneered at her, pulling her in for a hug.

"Glad to see you're not dead dumbass."

"Yeah, could say the same for you all." She pulled back, "Ladies and gentlemen, meet the Vanoss gang." She ignored the widening of their eyes, turning to Evan and the others, "Vanoss gang meet our ghosts."

Evan walked to Josh, hand out ready for him to shake. "It's good to meet you." Josh cast a judgmental look down, eyebrow raised. He shook it nonetheless.

"You too...I guess."

Jaw locking Felicia stepped forward, tiny frame sizing Evan up, eyes narrowed. "Do they know?"

"About the experiments? Yes." Tammy watched with calculating eyes.

"That's it though?" She tilted her head, white curls falling from her shoulders.

"Yeah. That's all that's needed. Anyway, not the reason we called you here."

"You all are in deep shit." Alexander stepped forward, "It's all over the radios, cops, gangs, FBI. You're wanted by all. Dead or alive. Though with the stunt back in the bunker more so dead."

Eve sighed. "Just great."

"So what do you need from us?" Eve motioned for Evan to talk.

"Alright bird brain, time to use your social skills to explain your plan to them." Walking back she sat on her seat, legs relaxed as Mel sat on her lap, watching him intently.

Evan cleared his throat. "Right."

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