1.1 (redone)

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I didn't like how I had gone with the other chapter eleven so I'm redoing it and hopefully it won't be as much as a boring ass filler as the other one.

I'm also gonna start doing "comment/vote goals" and "questions of the day" because...why not?

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The night seemed to drag on, the stars slowly burning dimmer as clouds rolled across, covering the light of the moon. Tyler, Evan, Tammy and Felicia were in the room with Jane, the others had dispersed throughout the house. 

It was closing in on three in the morning when the four emerged from the lowest part of the house, all four looking exhausted and drained, yet when Jonathan stood up to ask Tyler smirked.

"Well, it was hard but everything she knew, we now know." He clapped his hand on Evan's shoulder before falling onto the couch, Craig coming to sit next to him.

"She kept up her act so long we were almost convinced we had grabbed the wrong person," Evan explained, "But right before we could decide she broke, and I do mean she broke."

"Basically she isn't top dog of her business. Hell, she isn't even within top ten when it comes to power. But - she did know more than someone in her district would have. But - she was good at her job. So good, in fact, that despite how low her ranking was, she was the one they sent out on some of the most negotiations."

"Okay, so what now?"

"Well," Evan motioned for everyone to drop what they were doing, every pair of eyes and ears trained on his every word, every movement. 

"She was going to negotiate a deal with one of their outside sources, someone within the city next to ours, that has an influence on weapons, drugs, distribution of them. But it's far from some sort of negotiation, work together shit. This man is beyond awful, I mean the whole city population fears them."

"Why is this information important right now? We need a plan not a history lesson Evan." Belle asked, leaning heavily on Tammy as they all stared at Evan, eyebrows raised.

"Because, we're going to meet with him ourselves. He runs an underground fighting ring, people enter, pay some fee and then fight. Bets from everyone watching, from him and his men are passed. At least 75% of the money goes directly to him. The end game is this - he tends to take the winners home with him. They proved themselves, they can fight, they're strong, strong willed. Next thing you know they end up on the black market. He auctions his winners up."

"And you want us to go and infiltrate this?"  Eve asked, waving her hands around.

"In a way. Hand to hand combat, who is the best fighter out of yours?" 

Eve raised an eyebrow, "Out of - ? Uh - Lola."

"Okay, so we enter Lola and Tyler. Two members in the fight, they win, and get taken to his - "

"Does he have a name?!"

"His name is Ed. He watches the matches from some fucking box in the wall and winners are swooned and brought up to him, he may try and sleep with you both."

"Yeah he - what?" Tyler questioned.

Ignoring him, Evan continued, "So you two win, and as you're brought up to his box Melissa, Belle, Ohm, Craig and Brian will trail behind, taking out any guards on the way. Brock and Beatrix, I'm going to need you both to fuck up any cameras or signal going throughout the place, minus our feed of course."

Brock and Beatrix fist bumped, an act that didn't go unnoticed by Eve or Evan who inwardly smiled, they connected quickly. 

"Myself, Tammy, Josh and Mary will be in the crowds, we'll make bets and basically keep an eye out on guards in the ring area, making sure nothing looks suspicious. Lui, I'm going to need you and Bryce ready with the vehicles. In case anyone shows up that wasn't scheduled to and we need to get out fast. Luke, Jonathan, Marcel, Eve, Felicia, Alex. I need you six on the perimeters of the area, if any cops show up take them down, if any guards get to antsy, you stop them. No one gets in or out until we all have left."

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