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Brock and Beatrix looked up from their laptops, staying silent, mouths open as they listened through their earpieces to what was happening. Evan maintained a level head, responding quietly to whoever held the gun, 

"Lovely isn't the word  I would use per say." Over on their end Tammy elbowed him slightly, watching as Mary and Josh were pulled along someone, every person in the building to engrossed in the fight to see what was happening.

A small ding notified that Beatrix's phone went off, a new text from Eve alerting her. 'gonna stop whoever has them as they get to the parking deck. saw them go in - they had nothing to set off our alarms.'

She showed the phone to Brock who nodded, eyes casting back to his laptop as he typed furiously, eyes shifting around quickly. He nodded, looking up, "I have every camera within ten feet of the parking deck here. We'll be able to track them."

She began flitting through cameras within the arena, speaking into her piece, "Okay, Ohm, Mini, Terroriser, Baby and Blaise, we need you five to pull back now, make sure no one follows you. Drunk bystander or guard, make sure no one sees you all."

"On it."

"Wildcat and Liana, when you can you need to get out of their. Lui and Bryce, you two need to pick them up in separate cars, so get another one."

"I can get the camero I had my eyes on!"

"Not a flashy car!"

"Damn it..." Under normal circumstance - what even is normal in her life anymore? - she would have laughed at the disappointment in Lui's voice. She flicked through cameras, following the four as they were led out, making sure Brock was watching Tyler and Lola as she followed them along.

Once they reached the parking deck they were stopped, Mary standing partly in front of Josh as Evan and Tammy stood side by side, faces blank as they stared at the few people surrounding them. "Evan Fong..." A blonde woman stepped forward, face void of emotion as she stepped forward, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Narrowing his eyes, head tilted, "I wish I could say the same to you."

She chuckled quietly, "Once you know why we brought you out here, you may reconsider that." She studied them for a few seconds, "You can call your other members off, we aren't here to hurt you or start a fight."

"That explains the guns pointed to our lungs inside. Just a friendly hi?" Tammy sneered.

"Precaution. Would you have followed us out if we walked up to you and asked you to?" No one answered and she nodded, "Thought so."

"I can only assume you're apart of another gang - yet I haven't seen you around before." Evan questioned, "So what, you're with someone within the gang?"

"Yes." She stepped forward, hand out to shake Evan's, "My name's Amy Nelson. My gang has agreed to help you all with your war with the government."

"I don't seem to remember telling any people other than our extra four." Tammy stepped forward, "How would you know?"

"You act as if you're the only ones who know what's been happening within their experimental labs. We know what they do, what they're capable of too. We needn't be told, but once we saw who went rouge we put two and two together." Her eyes swept the four of them before she smiled. "Hello Mary, it's lovely to see you again."

"Hi Amy..."

Tammy turned to her, "You know her and didn't tell us?!"

"I hadn't realized who they were - but trust me, you can trust them." She looked past Tammy to Evan, "They've been helping people who've gotten out of working for the government or been experimented on, they have a lot of influence  on outside gangs too."

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