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Merely hours have passed since the gang had managed to receive the number that they believed caused majority of the problems within the city. Tracking the phone was easy, easier now since they had both Brock and Beatrix working together to track the owner of the phone.

Said owner needed to learn how to be more private with their life. Within two hours they had basically everything but her favorite color. 

Her name is Jane, she was born in Hawaii and moved to Los Santos a few years back, along with her dog named Ashton and cat named Luke. She had no significant other, though she did date around, and was extremely wealthy. She had plans this evening to go out with a few friends to a local club, and now, so did the others.

The plan was for Tammy, Beatrix and Belle to enter in one group, posing as girls celebrating Belle's twenty first birthday. Eve and Melissa were to come in as a couple going out on a date, sitting near one of the back exits to ensure no one suspicious left or entered. Josh and Alex would come in, Felicia and Mary acting as their dates. Evan, Brian, Marcel, Tyler and Luke would come in for a bachelor party. 

From Jane's dating records, she was interested in females, and though she had a knack for being strong and independant, being in the public eye she wouldn't do anything too rash. So Alex and John would wait for Felicia and Mary to go to the bathroom before moving in on Jane, waiting until Tammy came to her rescue. The two would, more than likely, hit it off before Tammy would invite Jane to leave with her.

As they made their way to Tammy's car, she'd drive a bit out to limit suspicion before car troubles come in. Of course being tailed by the others far enough away, Jonathan would come to their rescue, toning down his craziness for at least ten minutes. If all goes to plan they should have their suspect before two in the morning.

Tammy raised an eyebrow as Evan got done explaining the plan to them all, raising a hand. "Why am I always the one who has to flirt with who we need? I mean seriously."

"Because you're the hottest." Melissa said bluntly, popping the bubble she blew and sending a sarcastic smile her way, "A blessing and a curse huh?"

"Oh shut it." There was no real bite to her words but she kept her face serious.

"Okay," Evan checked his phone, "She should be there within an hour, so if you're planning on getting ready, I'd go do it now." With minimal eye rolls and groans those who were going into the club left to their rooms, putting outfits together as the girls did hair and makeup in record time.

Lola sat on the couch next to Luke, as she texted the bar tender of that night, him owing her a favor and agreeing to allow her to work undercover behind the bar with him. Heels clicking made her look up, taking in the aspects of the outfits they were wearing and nodding to herself.

"Not bad..." She went back to her phone, used to heists and undercover missions and their outfits. The guys watched as the girls came down, eyebrows raised.

Tammy grabbed her coat off of the couch, ripping the tag off and sliding it on, moving her curls from her face. Belle was checking to make sure everything she needed was in her small pocket book, Beatrix was fixing her heels, leaning against Melissa. 

"You guys know you don't have to wear like...super revealing stuff right? Like, if you're not comfortable doing it." Evan tried explaining, not sure how to word what he meant.

Tammy snorted, patting him on the shoulder. "We don't do anything for anyone but ourselves. If we weren't comfortable in these clothes we wouldn't be wearing them. We wear what we like regardless of what anyone else thinks." She winked at him, sashaying out to the garage. 

Tyler laughed, a quick, almost high pitch snort at Evan's awkwardness of the end of the conversation. Beatrix and Belle soon followed Tammy, their fake I.D.'s stashed in the car already. Melissa and Eve linked arms, no need to act as if they were madly in love, no other couple could compete. As they made their way Eve paused. "You all have a limo right?"


She grinned. "Who would like to be our chauffeur for the night?" She clapped her hands, eyes landing on Anthony who sighed.

"I can never escape this job..." Melissa laughed at the playful bitterness of his words as he grabbed his coat and keys. "Let's go love birds."

"You sure your buddy will let you help him behind the bar?" Brian grabbed Lola's bicep, whispering his question to her. She smirked.

"He knows if he doesn't help me he'll end up with more bullets in his body than pours so yeah." He nodded.

"Fair enough."

~     ~     ~    ~    ~

The club felt alive, music pulsing, humidity making it almost unbearable to even attempt to breath. The plan so far had gone smooth, not sure how you can mess up entering a club but better safe than sorry. Lola arrived first, hopping over the bar and hugging Chad, grabbing an apron - or whatever he preferred to call them, she never remembered - and began helping with drinks, ear piece silent in her ear.

Minutes later Belle, Beatrix and Tammy entered, acting like giggling girls, Belle the center of attention as they made it clear it was her twenty first birthday. They may never get to celebrate as innocently as they were pretending now, but it was fun for them to dream.

About half an hour later Melissa and Eve waltzed in, arm in arm, those standing near enough to the doors immediately became entranced by the two as they made their way to the dance floor, the song gone sensual as the two put a distracting show on.

"Is this normal for those two?" Jonathan's voice came in through Lola's ear piece and she snorted, turning her back as to not seem as though she was talking to herself.

"Yeah, pretty normal. Also they can hear you dumbass." 

At eleven the guys entered, acting like those pompous assholes you try to avoid as Evan acted as though he was forced into this "bachelor" party. A strip club would have been more convincing but that's not where Jane decided to go. Lastly entered the other four, and the plan was set into motion.

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