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Jane ^^^

~     ~     ~     ~     ~

Colorful lights flashed like crazy, the bass of the song playing was so loud it was surprising that the glasses people were drinking from hadn't broken yet. Tammy downed her shot, watching through the corner of her eye as Josh and Alex made their way to Jane.

"Hey girl," Alex let his smirk fall on too naturally, arm resting against the wall Jane was leaned against and she smiled awkwardly at him, taking another sip of her drink.


"What's a beauty like you doing by herself, huh?" Josh asked, tilting his head a bit.

"Trying to be by herself." She bit back, annoyance level heightening.

"Ooo feisty. C'mon babe don't be like that, you should be grateful we came to talk to you."

"Grateful?" She raised an eyebrow.

Josh nodded, "Why don't you come dance with us ey?"

"No thanks." She hid her mouth behind her cup, avoiding eye contact with the two of them.

"C'mon, it'll be fun."

"I said no."

"We're nice guys babe, stop rejecting us, what, you think we're ugly?"

"If I say yes will you leave?"

Alex honest to God had to laugh at her response. "That means you don't think it's true though."

He yelped, unprepared for Tammy's arrival, feeling a sharp pinch on his ear as she dragged him away from Jane, wincing at her nails. "When a lady says no assholes, she means no."

Josh faux pouted. "We were just talking, weren't we beautiful?"

"I was just rejecting your offer to dance, so no, we weren't."

"You heard her," Tammy crossed her arms, "Leave. Her. Alone."

Alex fixed his jacket, motioning for Josh to follow. "Whatever, more hotties out there. Let's bounce."

The two left and Jane let out a sigh of relief as Tammy watched the two leave, turning back to her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, thank you, by the way."

Tammy smiled, "Don't sweat it. I hate when people don't take no as an answer. In my case they think when I tell them I'm not interested in guys that's a one way ticket for me to sleep with their girlfriends and they can watch."

Jane laughed, nodding, "Same boat girl."

Grinning, Tammy stuck her hand out, "I'm Blaise, it's not to meet you."

Jane placed her hand in hers, smiling, "Jane." With a small smirk Tammy brought her hand up, softly kissing the knuckles before letting go. "Lovely name for a lovely girl."

Jane blushed and smiled, "You're not too bad yourself."

"Can I buy you a drink?" Tammy asked, moving as someone brushed behind her, getting closer to Tammy, looking down at the slightly shorter girl with a grin.

"I'd love that, thank you." She grinned as Tammy led her to the bar, the two talking, Tammy flirting full force, Jane turning into a giggly, blushy mess, the plan going successfully.

~     ~     ~     ~     ~

Jonathan turned his headlights on, starting the engine as he made his way from behind one of the bushes, looking around he made sure no one was around. He made his way down the road, seeing Tammy and Jane by the car, hood popped up and he pulled over, rolling down the window.

"You two ladies alright?"

"Do we look alright?!" Tammy shot back, glaring as Jane looked from the two of them.

Jonathan put on a bitch face, "Do you need help?"

"Do you understand cars?" 

He tilted his head, "From what I can see, better than you do."

Tammy sighed, looking at Jane with a raised eyebrow. "I'm fine with him helping if you are."

Jane shrugged, "I have pepper spray in my purse if it goes wrong." Tammy laughed.

"Alright, help us fix this pile of shit." She kicked her tire for good measures.

Jonathan laughed, pulling up to park in front of them and cutting the headlights off, engine still going. He grabbed his tool box, jumping out of the car. As he made his way to them he grinned, "Looks like it's your lucky day. You met someone on the road, who happens to work as a mechanic." 

Jane grinned and Jonathan kind of felt bad. She was way too trusting. He got near Tammy, looking over the engine, moving the clothe soaked in chloroform to her, Jane none the wiser. "Honestly, it looks like you two just need a jump."

Tammy let her arms fall, "Seriously?! That's it?!"

"I mean, looks that way. You wouldn't happen to have a pair in your car would you?"

"I might..." She walked around, opening the door behind the drivers. Jane watched Jonathan curiously, and Tammy shut the door. "Looks like tonight won't be a waste after all." Withing a flash she knocked the purse out of Jane's hands, pushing her against the car, forcing the clothe over her mouth and nose. 

Jonathan came over, holding her arms down as Tammy made sure Jane's legs were spread enough so she couldn't kick at them. She fought, God damn did she fight, and her eyes were wide, a fire burning in them as her body began slumping, loosing consciousnesses. 

Jonathan caught her, and Tammy grabbed the ropes and duct tape from his tool box, tying her arms behind her back, ankles held together and a piece of tape over her mouth. "Okay get rid of the truck, I'll drive."

He nodded, putting the gears into neutral as he shoved the truck down the ditch, watching as it fell into the creek. Pulling out a lighter and grabbed a fallen branch, lighting the leaves and throwing it onto the already gas covered truck. 

Making his way back he got into the passengers seat, motioning for Tammy to drive. Stars and moon illuminated the way as they left the burning truck miles behind them.

"You got her purse right?" Jonathan asked, not taking his eyes off of the rear view mirror.

"Course I did. I'm not an idiot. Her purse, the clothe, extra rope an tape, any evidence if in the glove box." She nodded to the compartment in front of him and he opened it, seeing everything she listed.

 "Alright, who's in charge of the interrogation today?"

"Well me, obviously, but Evan and Eve too."

"Let's hope the rest of this job goes as smooth as this did..." He shut his eyes, leaning his head backwards.

~     ~     ~     ~     ~

So, so sorry these past two chapters haven't been the best! They are kind of fillers but the information from Jane is going to be big!

You also see a few different sides of the girls and guys and see into relationships more so!

I think I'm going to start doing questions of the days and/or chapters? Thoughts?

Instagram : @ bbs_love_children

Tumblr : allllrrriiiight.tumblr.com/

Be sure to stop by and say hi! I accept fan art, edits, cosplays, basically anything! I love that people actually enjoy this! Have a great day!

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