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So I have both an instagram and tumblr dedicated to this AU! Well the instagram is 100% to this AU the tumblr is more or less just the tubers in general.

Instagram : @ bbs_love_children      -      I repost fan art, cosplay, edits, etc! The fact that so many people have already done so much for me makes me feel amazing!

Also there's my main fan page instagram which is @ sailtheships 

Tumblr - allllrrriiiight.tumblr.com

ALRIGHT! Carry on famdon!

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Evan had managed to explain to the other four pretty well, and the girls cut in whenever he stumbled, shutting down the distrusting looks he was receiving. The four had talked together and agreed to go back to their base house, willing to discuss more and begin a plan.

Alex was stood next to Mary, both looking and listening as Brock explained the layout of the city, both over and underground, their ins and outs and different people they knew and how much help they would be. Felicia came over to where Melissa was sat, small flask of brandy in her hand.

Arm thrown across Melissa's shoulder, the white haired girl took a sip of her drink. "How much do they know?"

With a sigh, Melissa rested her head on her fist. "Well they know the government is more of a piece of shit than they thought before. That we're all basically genetically engineered weapons. And our DNA has been altered. But if you're asking what I really think you're asking, then no. They don't know."

Felicia stayed silent, studying the defeated way Mel's body nearly caved in on itself. "Are you all going to tell them?"

"I don't know. I don't think so...What would they do if they did know? This lifestyle doesn't scream family reunion." Felicia had "accidentally" met up with her parents as she ran from the governmental eye, leaving clues for the other three to find her when they managed to leave.

She had run when Tammy was merely seventeen, she had been living with her parents for four years, and she was one of two whose parents knew she was technically "theirs". The girls had been envious at the beginning - she had managed to escape and had a family. But they were also happy for her.

"You know," She cleared her throat, "While I may have only officially known them for a few hours, I don't think they'd be the kind of people to turn you away if they knew, but..."

"But you don't know that." Melissa filled in. "Trust me...We've exhausted every option at this point...as for now we're just not going to say anything."

"I haven't actually been told who is whose child so...wanna fill me in? I mean, I can make a few guesses based on race of them and some of you. But past that I have like...nothing."

Melissa snorted. "Well if you couldn't tell," She slyly pointed to where Marcel and Scotty sat, cleaning their guns and talking quietly amungst themselves. "I'm theirs. It's apparently where my anger issues come from."

Felicia rolled her eyes, "Well I doubt - " She paused when she saw Scotty's face grow red as Marcel laughed at something, shoving him off the seat and continuing to clean his gun. "I'm not gonna finish that sentence. Alright, Eve? The Asian dude and?"

"Evan and Jon. Jon's the one in the blue hoodie, he's talking to some long time friend, Luke. I'm not entirely sure if Luke has one of us in the system, I wouldn't be shocked."

"How 'bout Bee?"

"Beatrix is standing with them." She nodded to where Brock and Brian were explaining something to her, and Felicia snorted. "Guys are so fucking dense to not realize any of this..."

"Doesn't it strike you odd everyone of the pairs we were infused with ended up being a couple?" Melissa choked on her drink, cackling loudly at that.

"Too true...Anyway, the super tall guy and the super short one? David and Lui - but apparently there are a few here who tend to still go by code names so David goes by Nogla. I don't know why. Anyway, matches with Lola."

"Well I see where she got her height..." Felicia murmured, taking her drink back from Melissa, "You wanna stop?!"

Ignoring her, Melissa continued. "Belle's parents...God that still sounds and feels weird to say, anyway, it's Ohm and Bryce. Ohm's name is Ryan but, again, oddly some go by code names so. And then Tammy's are Craig and Tyler. She seems to have only inherited their anger and aggression. God if the guys knew, those three would be fucking terrifying together." She took Felicia's drink, downing the rest of it quickly before handing her the empty flask.

"I fucking hate you." She muttered, shoving it back into her jacket pocket.

"So, how are Felix and Cry?"

"They're okay. Worried about you all, said we'd make sure you lot were safe. So if this plan breaks through I know we've got them on our side...if that's of any comfort."

Melissa sighed. "No offense, but we'll need a lot more than just one gang helping but...it's good knowing they'll help..."

Across the room Lola had strolled over to where Jon and Luke were talking, joining their circle silently as she watched and listened. Taking notice Luke grinned. "Hey Lola!"

Lola chuckled, " 'lo Luke."

"How are the others doin'?" 

"Well, we're all now running away from the government who wants to use us as human breeding factories so." Lola shrugged, "Not dead yet!"

Awkwardly Luke pat her shoulder, "That's the spirit!"

Jon snorted, tongue poking out as he snickered at the awkward face Luke was making. "So what do two old guys like you gossip about?"

"Old guys?!" They shrieked together, and Lola jumped, smirking a laugh.

"Excuse you but I am not old!" Luke pointed a finger at her, causing her eyes to cross as it got closer to her face.

"Luke you are acting like a grandpa right now." Jon's voice trailed off into a laugh at Luke's deflated demeanor. 

"Fuck you..."

Lola bit her bottom lip, laughing quietly at the relationship these two had, Jon nearly doubled over in laughter. She sighed silently as he stopped and the two began talking, about what? No idea she zoned out. 

They've all known each other - well, officially known each other - for merely two days, but the comfort and safety she felt here? It was the kind you read about, the kind of feeling you wish you could experience at home, just knowing. But in this moment, it was a feeling that wouldn't, and couldn't last. 

They couldn't stay with them. Not without them knowing who the girls - and Alex and Josh - were. And if they did know, what would they do? It was weird considering some of them were young enough to be a slightly older brother. 

But besides the looming fearful curiosity about what would happen if they knew, was the bigger issue.

If they knew, their lives would be more at stake than they were now. And she knew that no matter what, the others wouldn't allow that to happen.

Even if it wasn't a returned feeling. 

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