Chapter 5 - The Heist

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Heiji walked up to the party dressed in a suit with tie. Outside the door were two big security men with menacing looks and black sunglasses. As Heiji approached closer one slightly grunted at him which Heiji found odd, they were acting like the stereotypical bodyguards you see in works of fiction.

"Hey, why ya acting like that?" Heiji asked out of curiosity

"We were paid to like this." Bodyguard 1 replied.

"No idea why though." Bodyguard 2 added.

"Well, the boss did seem quite weird." Bodyguard 1 countered.

"You have a good point," Bodyguard 2 said.

"Anyway my name is Heiji my friend came through earlier but I had to get something," Heiji said to break up their little conversation.

"Heiji Hattori?" Bodyguard 1 asked.

"With Shinichi Kudo?" Bodyguard added to Bodyguard 1's question.

"Yep, that's me" Heiji replied.

"Ok enjoy yourself," Bodyguard 1 said.

"Yeah have fun," Bodyguard 2 said.


Heiji entered and looked around the room to see all kinds of different people who were there probably only for their own advantage in the business world or to see KID. Now Heiji's main priority was to find Shinichi.

Heiji noticed Shinichi across the room with who he thinks is James Daniels. James leaned forwards to kiss Shinichi when Heiji noticed that she is not happy and goes to intervein before he gets a broken nose. Heiji then coughed to get James's attention making him drop Shinichi's wrist.

"Hi, I'm Heiji Hattori nice ta meet ya," Heiji said with the fakest smile.

"James Daniels nice to meet you too," James said with a voice as fake as Heiji's smile.

Heiji and James then proceeded to have a staring contest which was then interrupted with the buzz of Heiji's phone. Looking down at his phone Heiji saw that it was a text from Shinichi and only then noticed that she had left.

Shinichi: "Hey I need to go do something important distract James for me please."

Heiji: "What! Don't leave me with him. What is so important anyway?"

Shinichi: "That I am not fully sure of but just trust me I have a gut feeling that if I don't do this something bad will happen."

Heiji: "Do you think that it is related to THEM?"

Shinichi: "Maybe, I just don't know the whole situation yet."

Heiji: "Ok well I will make sure to keep him distracted."

Heiji put his phone away and was about to continue to talk with James when the lights went out. KID then appears in a puff of smoke. With a click of his fingers, glowing lights starts to fall down. All of them were a mesmerising blue to pretty for anyone to look away, just what KID wanted. While everyone was looking at the glowing blue lights KID snuck over to the display case and stole the Blue Rose. A spotlight then shone on KID standing on top of the display case. Nakamori shouted at his men to charge at KID. Suddenly the lights burst into blue rose petals and produced a perfect cover for KID to get away.


I quickly ran over to the stairway and started to make my way up to the roof. It was a shame Metantei-Chan didn't appear though, Nakamori just fell for the same old tricks like always. I swear I saw her walking through the party and that she was checked off of the guests' list, what had happened to her?

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