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I am blocked by your shadow

Hidden by your sight

Inside I am hollow 

As we start another fight

We rage on and on 

Letting our anger out

Once it's all gone

We go different routes

You make me feel smaller than a speck

Double guessing myself once again

As you breath down my neck

Making me feel fake and pretend

I can't leave my room 

Without feeling threatened

As if I'm entering my tomb

My whole view blackened


Hey guys sorry I am updating late, I just moved and internet is still not set up. I was lucky enough to get a hold of this internet so I decided to post this since I already written it before today. I will be posting another one, hopefully to pay for my lack of posting. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Please vote and comment ;) Makes me so happy when I read your guys comments :D Love ya guys! <3 Have a fantastic day! 

-Joanna <3

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