
76 22 27

I walk down the hall

Unnoticed, unseen

Invisible to them all

I hiss, fully unkeen

They all walk right by me

All denying my presence

All that they can see

Is how my existence is a riddance

If I left would they realize 

That a human was living among them?

That all the rumors and the lies

That is was just a bunch of mayhem?

They would never really care

Nor would they understand

That they did really share

a hall with me firsthand


Hey guys im sorry this one is really not my best i just haven't been inspired with my work lately and they all are shitty >.< Im sorry hope u guys still kinda enjoyed it! Comment? Vote? Add to reading list? Follow? *wiggles eyebrows* Just a few suggestions 😅 Love ya guys so much and I hope u guys have an extraordinary day! :D

-Joanna <3

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