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To be or not to be,
Questions I ask myself on the daily

Am I making the right choice,
please others and not myself?

Ignore my needs and wants,
just to justify people's judgments?

Let them walk all over me
Just so people can like me?

Is it yes or no?

Right or left?

Up or down?




Tell me what the right answer is?


We carry the stress and the pressure
Just so society can leave us alone.

So we can stop suffocating
The hold they have
Around our necks

Squeezing the sanity out of us,
So we can be exactly like them


Accepted by today's stereotypes and standards

We get to decide

We get to be happy

We are in control of ourselves

No one can tell us what we can or can not do,
We are independent

Our decisions matter

Our thoughts matter

Our happiness matters

We matter


Hey guys! Long time no see eh? It's been a hot minute since i last updated 😂 But i took a class over the summer and one of the units was slam poetry and i wrote this piece. lemme know your thoughts! ❤️

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