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Your job is to say words that punch me in my gut

Your job is to make me feel nothing of myself

Your job is to stomp on my heart that is barely beating

Your job is to make my feeling numb and limp

Your job is make me suffer

Your job is to block my oxygen

Your job is to point a gun towards my head

Your job is to make me hate myself more than I already do

My job is to keep quiet and continue to cut

My job is to absorb what you say and think i'm filth

My job is to stop the food source; stop eating

My job is to accept my fate as a wimp

My job is to do your every command, sir

My job is to welcome these options

My job is to fall to the floor, and wind up dead

My job is to end my life, get it through


What did you guys think? Comment and vote well appreciated :D Sorry it's not my best or you may not like it but thank you for reading that's all I could ask for ^-^ Have a dashing day (As you can tell running out of describing words XD) Love ya guys <3

-Joanna <3

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