
104 37 24

I am already dead 

A ghost in a body

Shot in the head

Living no more

No one ever sees me

So why would I stay?

No one ever even cares

They just push me away

The decisions are few

To let me be free

So what should I do?

Let darkness consume me

There is no lightness in this world

It's filled with disgust and hatred

There's no point in shedding tears

When all your moves a dictated 

This life is lonely

Nobody on my side

Leaving is the option

To this depressed ride


Im sorry guys but this ones bad but I had to post something. Hope u liked it even if it was like 1/100000000! Thank you guys so much and hope u leave a vote to show that it's bad and a comment to complain how bad it is ;) Thanks, love ya guys and see ya'll later :* 


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