Chapter 5- To Hogwarts

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The next day Hagrid gave us our train tickets for the Hogwarts Express, which would take us straight to the school. Hagrid took us back to Number 4 Privet Drive to wait until September 1st, when we would catch the train.
The Dursleys didn't pay any mind to Harry and I anymore. They didn't make us do anything; they didn't even really acknowledge our presence at all.

Harry and I spent the rest of the summer mostly outside in the yard, walking down the streets, at the small park down the road, or in my basement. The summer flew by rather quickly, to my surprise and soon enough, it was already August 30th.

"Harry," I said to my brother.

We were lying on the soft grass in the front yard, Harry with his eyes closed, and I with my nose buried in Newt Scamander's Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. After learning about magic, I'd taken an immediate interest in what I discovered was called magizoology.

"Yeah?" Harry replied, still lying down, but eyes open and looking up at the clouds.

"How are we going to get to Kings Cross?" I asked. I kept the book propped up on my lap as I sat up straighter in fear of losing my page.

Harry was quiet, and I watched as a boy about our age walked down the street to the park with his mother. He grinned as he passed by, offering a wave. I quickly put my book facedown in the grass, knowing already the importance of keeping the wizarding world a secret. He then continued on his way and continued his conversation with his mother about the start of school.

"I guess we'll have to ask Vernon," Harry sighed. We were quite content in not having to converse with them.

We got up of the soft comfort of the damp grass and walked into the house to the living room where the Dursleys were. They all sat on different sofas or chairs. Dudley was playing video games, Vernon was reading today's paper and Petunia was reading. I cleared my throat.

"Vernon," I said.

He looked up from his newspaper, surprised I'd spoken to him. He looked around the room as if to find another person named Vernon that I could be speaking to. After a moment he decided there was no one.

"Yes?" He said, looking back down at his newspaper.

"Could you drive Harry and me to Kings Cross tomorrow?" I asked politely, not wanting to ruin my chances.

"Why on earth would you need to go to Kings Cross?" Vernon said, looking up once more.

"To get to school."

"Ah, yes. That ruddy magic school of yours. Well I suppose so, we're going to London tomorrow anyway."

"Thanks," was all I said, before Harry and I went back to the front yard.


The Dursley's dropped us off without a word early the next morning. It was easy to tell neither of us would miss the other. Harry and I watched the Dursleys drive away from Kings Cross before we headed inside.

I pulled out my ticket to see which train we were supposed to get on to get to Hogwarts. What I read, however, caused my eyebrows to furrow. I looked at the platforms and back down at my ticket.

"Harry, there's no platform 9¾, is there?" I asked, reading the ticket.

"9¾? No, why?"

"It's what our tickets say."

Harry looked at me with a questioning look, and I stuck the ticket in his face so he could see for himself. He grabbed it from me and read over the entire thing, before reaching in his pocket to read his own. I rolled my eyes.

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