Chapter 6- The Sorting

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When we stepped off the train the first thing I saw was the giant silhouette of Hagrid, standing by the lake. I grinned happily and ran to greet him, leaving Harry and Ron behind.

"Firs' years over here, firs' years," he was yelling over the chatter of the crowd.

"Hey Hagrid," I said, Harry and Ron arriving behind me a few seconds later.

"Well hello Lily, Harry," he said, giving us a hearty smile. "Are all the firs' years here? Good. We're going to be getting to Hogwarts from here by boat." He said, pointing to a row of boats by the edge of what I knew from my reading was the black lake. "Four to a boat."

Harry, Ron, and a sandy haired boy and I piled into a boat as they started moving. We didn't sit quietly as most of the other students did. Harry, Ron and and the other boy, who's name we learned was Seamus, were daring each other to touch the water.

Seamus leaned over the side of the boat to dip his arm elbow deep in the water, as I had dared him to with a smirk. The boat didn't like the shift in weight, and flipped. I glared at Seamus and shook the water from my now bright red hair, as we all tread water on the spot.

"Thanks guys. Really. I was so excited to get absolutely soaked before our first time at the school," I muttered sarcastically.

"It was your dare," Seamus argued.

"I didn't say tip the boat!"

I felt a giant slimy tentacle, as if from a squid or octopus, wrap around my waist before anyone said anything else. I had a moment of fear before I saw it lift up Harry, Ron, and Seamus, and turn the boat back over. The creature placed us back in the boat. That's when I realized everyone was watching us.

"That's the gian' squid!" Hagrid laughed. "Nice little guy once yeh get ter know 'em."

"Little," I scoffed, looking at Harry, who had a look of disbelief on his face.

The boats started moving again, and gliding silently across the smooth surface of the lake. When we got to about the middle of the lake you could see Hogwarts. I was amazed. I'd figured from the amount of students on the train, that the school would be big, but a castle? The castle stood tall and proud and I could see all the other first years gaping as well.

We came to a rough stop at the shoreline, and we walked up towards the castle. We entered through a magnificent set of double doors. The room we stepped into was huge! You could've fit the Dursley's entire house into the room.

A very stern looking woman entered the room, and silence came over the students. The woman was wearing an emerald robe that reached the floor, her hair was pulled up into a tight bun near the top of her head. A tall pointy black hat was perched on top of her head- it matches the ones on ours.

"Settle down, settle down. My name is Professor McGonagall. Now, in a moment, I will lead you through these doors to be sorted. I will be back shortly," she said, walking into the other room, which even through the crack of the door I could tell was even larger than the one we stood in.

"Well, well, well," said a snarky voice from in the crowd, "the Potters have come to Hogwarts."

A boy with gelled back blond hair pushed through the crowd. He had a sneer on his face already, and I turned away in hopes of ignoring him. It didn't work. He marched up to stop only feet in front of me and Harry.

"My name's Draco, Draco Malfoy."

Ron snorted at this, and upon hearing it I did as well. Draco's steely grey eyes snapped in our direction, before they eyed us up and down. His gaze finally settled challengingly on Ron.

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