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| Deetranada in the MM |

Deetranada P.O.V

Jamon told me how he felt about me. He didn't go into it either, he just said it, stared for a few seconds, and walked off. Honestly, once he said that, feelings I had for him came back - not fully, but they were coming and I could tell. I had a little crush on him when I was 14 but it went away real quick. That being said, if I was asked if I was feeling him, I'd say yes.

After that, we were both distant. Everyone noticed it but nobody spoke on it. I started going to The Joint less too. With that on my mind, I was try'na find Tristen, the dude who shot at me.

Tuesday night, the same day I got off my crutches, I was at home. I made sure my pistol was loaded. I got dressed in all black. I didn't even attempt to cover my face cause I wanted to be the last face he saw before his death. I took one of my dad's cars and left to Yvette's house, which was where Shareef told me Tristen would be.

I knew Yvette. Only cause we sold to her a couple times. I knew where she lived too. Once I pulled up to her house, I came out. Her car wasn't outside so she wasn't home. I busted the windows open and climbed through. I saw the dude laid down on the couch. I hit his head with my gun, which woke him up.

"Get yo ass up." I said through gritted teeth.

I held the gun at his head as he got up, I noticed his forehead was bleeding. Once he got up, I pushed him towards the window and we climbed out. Once we were out, I turned him around and punched him dead in the face, till he was knocked out. He fell and I caught him in my arms. I threw his arm around my neck and walked towards the car. I sat him down, blindfolded him, and put him in handcuffs. I threw him in the backseat after that. I jogged to the front seat and started the car up and drove to one of my dad's houses, that he says we should take people we hold hostage, to.

I took him out of the car and I dragged him into the house after checking if anyone was around. I laid him on the hardwood floor and cuffed his hands to two different metal poles on both sides of him. I then cuffed his ankles. I sat down in a chair, that I put in the room with my gun in my lap. I was on my phone waiting for him to wake up.

I was texting Juan back and forth. I stopped texting him once I noticed Tristen wake up. He struggled to move, then he noticed me. I picked my gun up from my lap and tucked it in between my shirt and pants, right next to my knife.

"What you want from me?" He asked.

"Keep acting like you don't know who the fuck I am, and I'mma stab the shit out of you."

He was speechless. "Why do we still have beef, even after the countless number of times my brother goes to Philly. Why'd you and your boy try to kill me?" I asked.

"I ain't telling you shit." He spat.

I knelt down and whipped my knife out and stabbed him in his thigh. He groaned in pain.

"Talk." I said.


I went out with Juan. He picked me up from Ann's house. My car was in the shop again cause I wanted my windows tinted. We didn't really do nothing but stay in his car. We were parked in front of a Chick Fil A. We were talking like always.

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