Chapter 30

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Billy was in the back talking to his friends.

*Here's a little background information about Billy. He's one of the most popular guys in school. He thinks he's all that, cool, and top dime. He smokes, drinks and hooks up with any girl.

"Elle?" Billy called out.

I looked up and saw he was coming to me.

He opened his arms and gave me a hug.

I slightly gave him one back.

"Hi.." i said

"How you doing?" he asked

"You care?"

"Course" he smiled.

I tried to find some sort of bull shit in his eyes, but I saw nothing.

I couldn't trust him at all still. So I just told him i was fine.

"What about you?" i asked.

"I'm pretty okay, still bummed we didn't hang out over the summer and the fact you hung up on me when i called you."

I looked at him.

"Billy I-"

"No don't sweat it, it was to fast for you to start trusting me. I don't blame you."

I was surprised by his calmness.

I looked up at him and noticed his features I once fell in love with.

His firm bone structure, his height which was 6 foot, his smile, his scent which was Old Spice and his weird laugh that he had.

"Hey come sit next to me" he said

I looked to where he was sitting and saw the people i was friends with when him and I were dating.

"Um.. I don't know"

"Come on, for me?" he asked with a puppy face.

"Okay.." i said following him to his seat.

I sat down in the seat next to him.

His friend James looked at me and smiled.

"Sup Elle!" he said

"Hey James" I said giving him a hug.

"How's it been?"

"Good" i said

"I haven't seen you since.. well before summer started, where'd you go?"

"Oh i went to Canada over the summer"

"Oh sweet" he said

The teacher walked in and introduced himself.

"Pretty bummed that we have such a weird teacher for math" Billy said. "But it's okay cause your in this class."

I blushed and smiled.

Billy is different. He's so much more nicer and thoughtful now. He seems changed in a good way.

I didn't even think about the whole Justin situation.

I wonder if Billy even knew...

Class ended and i walked out with Billy.

"Whats your next class?" i asked him

"Chemistry C-5, you?"

"Spanish, room C-8"

"oh cool, we can walk there together after math now."

I smiled and we started to walk to our classes together.

We just talked about things in the time it took us to get to our classes.

"I'll see you after school" he said.

"Okay" i said

I walked in class and settled down.

I got a text from Justin saying to come over once school ends. which is around 3 o'clock.

I replied agreeing and got ready for class..

~After spanish.

I walked out of the room and headed to my car.

"Elle!" I turned around to see Billy walking towards me.

"Hey" i said

"Hey um, this is kind of embarrassing but can you give me a lift home? My car's in the shop and my parents are at work.."

"haha yeah sure"

We walked to my car and both got in.

The drive to his house was actually okay. We got stuck in traffic but we got to catch up on stuff.

We got to his house and i parked in the drive way.

"Hey do you want to come in for a little?" he asked.

"Um.. yeah sure"

We got inside and I just stood there.

It looked exactly how it looked like 1 year ago when i caught him cheating on me.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Oh um nothing, just haven't been here in so long."

"haha yup, well your here now" he smiled. "Do you want anything to drink?"

"Um do you have any a-"

"Apple juice coming right up!" he said cutting me off.

"How'd you know?"

"I think being in a relationship with you for more than 4 months, I've learned stuff."

"ohh haha right" i said

I stayed at his house for 15 more minutes.

"Oh shit, what time is it?" I asked



"why what happned?" he asked

"Where's my phone?"

" i think you left it in your car"

"Shit, okay well i have to go, it was really nice catching up but i need to go" i said running out the door.

I got in the car and looked at my phone.

10 missed calls from Justin and 12 texts.


I rushed to his house and knocked on the door.

Justin opened the door.

"where were you??" he asked

I hesitated for a moment. I didn't want him to find out i was hanging out with Billy, considering that he knows that Billy cheated on me.

"Never mind that, just come in." he said

I got in the house and saw his manager and a lady.

"Hi" i greeted them.

"Elle, this is my publisit, Megan."

"Hi Elle, were here to talk about the whole situation about people knowing you and Justin are dating."

Uh oh.





Hello babes!

People is not who they always seem they are remember that. Always remember that in the next chapters... Did I leave you all curious when i said that? Anyways guess who's having their social studies SOL on Monday. Why would that make me take it on Monday? Like who studies on the weekends. I will probably forget everything I learned. Wish me luck

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