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The doors burst open as a soldiers came running in.

"What's the commotion?" The Queen stood up, anxiety decorating her beautiful face.

The captain of the guard approached the throne and knelt down "Begging your pardon, Your Highness. There is an unknown spacecraft entering the atmosphere. It's cruising at a speed way too fast and looks like it will crash into the city square.

"Has anyone managed to communicate with the spacecraft?"

"Negative, Your Highness. We're afraid it might be because all communications has been cut off."

If the Queen was panicking, she was hiding it very well. "Evacuate the people off the city square, Captain!"

"But, Your Highness, there isn't enough time! The spacecraft is entering our atmosphere as we speak!"

Without skipping a heartbeat, the Queen continued. "The palace then, it's closer and the fortified walls here can offer safety from the debris."

"With all due respect, Your Highness, your safety-"

"THAT'S AN ORDER!" The Queen barked.

With a salute, the captain left the throne room to dispatched his men.

When the spacecraft crashed, the palace shook tremendously as though in an earthquake. People screamed in terror. Husbands protected their wives and mothers hugged their children tight.

When the dust settled, the Queen approached the crash site accompanied by the royal guards. It resembled a transport shuttle, one used to transport passengers or freight between planets.

"Search for any survivors." She said grimly.

When the first victims were brought out of the wreck, they were all dead. More and more bodies were being moved out. The Queen soon felt disheartened at the sight, losing hope of any possible survivors.

"Someone bring the stretcher! This one here's alive!" A rescuer shouted, waving from within the spacecraft.

Hearing this, the Queen pushed her way out of the protection of her guards towards the direction of the medics. Knelting down beside the stretcher, she saw that the woman appeared to be unconscious but still breathing. She was covered in dust from the debris and apart from a few scrap wounds, it didn't seem to have any physical wounds.

When the Queen started pulling back to make way for the medics, the woman grabbed her wrist, as though suddenly alarmed. Her eyes, intense and sharp, were fixed on the Queen's.

With a croak, she whispered.

"Save her. Please"

Hii! Sorry for suddenly adding in a Prologue just like this but I thought it would make things interesting *wink*

Hope you guys stay on for the ride!
Would appreciate all the reviews and suggestions! :) Love you all!

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