seven - typical

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"You're gonna have to trust me."

Those words repeated in my mind for the rest of the day. I always trusted Carl, but as a friend should trust a friend. I knew to never trust him as a boyfriend because I see how flirty and cocky he gets around other girls. Plus, his words weren't very convincing. He took me back way too easy. It just doesn't feel right.

I snapped back into reality as the last bell of the day rang. I gathered my books together and quickly got out of my seat.

"Hey, El," I was stopped by Travis. I let out a long sigh before slowing down so that he could catch up with me.

"What Travis," I breathed, walking out of class.

"I heard Carl found out about the plan, or whatever you wanna call it," he said and you could literally hear the guilt in his voice.

"I know you told him, Trav. It's no problem, though. I'll get rid of him somehow," I sarcastically joked.

"Maybe we could fake date again, except without the fake part," he winked, making me let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Call me when you're done being a fuckboy, then maybe I'll give you a shot," I told him.

"I'm not being a fuckboy. I actually like you. Unlike all of the other girls in this school, you're actually pretty cool... And beautiful," I could hear him smirk against his words.

"You're trying way to hard but thanks for the compliment," I faked a smile as we parted ways. I arrived at my locker where Tucker was waiting for me.

"Took you long enough," Tucker complained.

"Calm your tits," I rolled my eyes as I opened my locker and gathered all the stuff I needed to work on tonight.

"I don't have tits," Tucker fired back.

"Clearly," I mumbled under my breath as I felt an arm snake around my waist. I quickly turned to see who was touching, ready to use those self defense skills my dad taught me.

"Sup, baby," Carl smirked. I pushed his arm off me and continued grabbing my stuff out of my locker. "What's up with you? I thought you were my girl."

"Hey, girl," Dominique greeted as she walked up beside Tucker. "Hi Tucker." Tucker sent her a quick wave and I sent a soft smile.

"Hey, do you know if we had biology homework? I totally zoned out during class," I asked both Dom and Tuck.

"No, don't think so," Dom shook her head.

"Hey, angel," Carl pushed passed me to get to Dominique. Hold the fuck up, he's still flirting with her? However, Dom just rolled her eyes.

"I gotta go. I'll see you later, El," and she quickly walked off down the hallway. Carl watched her walk away, but before he could turn back around to face me, Tucker and I were already walking off as well.

"Hey, little mama," Carl yelled once he realized I was walking away from him.

"'Little mama'," Tucker whispered. I just shrugged and walked faster. The sooner I get home, the better.

"Aye, what's the rush," Carl caught up with me, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"I'm your girl but your over here flirting with my friends? How am I supposed to trust you," I pushed his arm off of me, not meeting his eyes. He didn't say anything else and stopped walking beside me.

Typical. I knew he forgave me too quickly.


I'm sitting down doing my english homework when I hear a knock on my bedroom door.

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