twenty-eight - impossible

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After we all hung out at the mall, Carl and I walked home together. It was a peaceful, but dangerous walk during the later hours on the southside of Chicago.

"I had fun today," Carl admitted, breaking the silence between us. "I think I'm finally starting to get used to Blake and Tucker."

"Good. I'm glad," I said. "You're gonna need some friends when I leave." Both of our smiles faded.

"Don't remind me," Carl said, running a hand through is hair. "I don't wanna think about you leaving me. Even if it's only for a few months."

"I'll only be gone for a month or two, hopefully," I told him. "You'll be fine. I promise." He sent me that perfect smile of his and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers.

"You wanna stop at Patsy's for something to eat? I have to ask Fiona about getting a job anyways," he offered. I nodded and we headed in the direction of the small diner.

We walked in, Fiona spotting us right away and waving. She grabbed two menus from under the counter and led us to a booth in the back.

"You want the usual? Fries and two vanilla milkshakes," she asked.

"Make mine chocolate this time, please," I asked. She nodded, wrote our order down and left the both of us alone.

"You okay," I asked Carl, who looked like he was stressed and deep in thought. He rested his head on his hand and sent me his famous puppy dog eyes.

"What am I gonna do with myself when you leave? I'm gonna be beyond bored," he whined.

"You'll find something to do," I told him. "You said you were gonna ask Fiona for a job. Hopefully you'll have that to take up time and, like I said, I'll FaceTime you everyday."

"I guess. It just won't be the same without you," he sighed. "See, now you have me thinking about it again."

"Sorry," I chuckled just as Fiona came back with our fries and milkshakes.

"Did you tell her the news yet," Fiona asked Carl. Carl looked up at her confused, like he had no clue what she was talking about.

"What news," he asked, raising his eyebrows. Fiona gave him a look and it was like all of a sudden, he knew exactly what she was talking about. "Oh! Sean proposed to Fiona. They're getting married." I raised my eyebrows and jolted up from my seat, throwing my arms around Fiona.

"Oh, my God! I'm so happy for you," I told her, even though I'm still not completely sure how I feel about this Sean guy. "When's the wedding?"

"Well, Carl was a little late on telling you. We're getting married on Saturday," she cheered. Wow. Saturday? That's so early. I guess they're eager to get hitched. "You're invited. In fact, I want you to be my maid of honor!"

"Oh, my God," I repeated in shock. Me, of all people, to be her maid of honor? I thought she would've asked Debbie or Veronica. I guess not. "Me? I would be honored!"

"Great! I can't wait," she said with excitement. "Don't forget to tell your mom and dad."

"I won't," I told her. I sat back down in my seat and Fi walked away. "Maid of honor," I asked Carl, a bit confused.

"Debbie doesn't want to be at the wedding and Veronica, Svetlana, and Kev are all going together as her bridesmaids," Carl explained.

"Wait, Kev-" I began to say, but he just interrupted me.

"I don't know, don't ask," he said. I giggled at the thought of the wedding. I'm so happy for Fi. After all the guys she's been through, especially Jimmy/Steve and that prick, Gus, she really deserves to settle down and Sean seems like a good guy.

"What are you doing tomorrow after school," Carl asked me.

"I was gonna go visit Mickey before I left. I haven't talked to him in awhile and I know neither Svetlana nor Ian visits him," I told him. "Wanna come with me?"

"Sure. You're on his list," Carl asked me.

"Yeah, Mickey is like the big brother I never wanted," I joked, making Carl smile. I loved that smile. He rarely ever smiles his real smile anymore, and it looks good on him.


After finishing our dinner, Carl and I walked back home, hand in hand. It had gotten cooler as the night went on, something that I wasn't prepared for. I had only a light zip up jacket on, not very warm for Chicago's weather, if you ask me. A shiver went through me as a cold breeze passed us.

"Are you cold," Carl asked. I shook my head, sending him the 'I'm fine' look, but he wasn't convinced. He took off his coat, wrapping it around me. "You're freezing," he stated, rubbing my sides in an attempt to warm me up. He succeeded.

"Thanks, Carl," I sent him a thankful smile as we turned down our street.

"No problem, babe," he winked at me, causing butterflies to fly around rapidly in my stomach.

'Babe'? That's new, sort of. I liked it. The way he said it was different from all the other times he has before, if that makes any sense. It was sweeter, nicer. Before he would say it in a cocky, ignorant way.

"Thanks again, for the amazing day," Carl said, intertwining our fingers once more as we came to a stop at my front gate.

"Thanks, for tagging along," I said. "I know you have trust issues with people you don't know too well."

"As long as you trust them, I do, too," he stated, making me smile. He smiled back, leaning in for a kiss. I leaned forward, and soon our lips were touching. "I love you," Carl said after pulling away and resting his forehead on mine.

"I love you more," I sent him a cheeky smile, making him smirk.

"Impossible, Lincoln," he sent me yet another wink, turned and walked across the street. "Goodnight, beautiful," he yelled, making me giggle.

"Goodnight, Gallagher," I called back, walking up my front steps and opening my front door. Turning back to see Carl had already gone inside. Then, I finally walked into my home.

The place I would only be staying at for 4 more days, and then I would be gone. Not forever, but for awhile.


a/n: another short chapter, sorry for not updating. i've had a rough couple of days :/

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