twenty-five - losers

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Walking into school this morning was honestly terrifying and very nerve racking. How couldn't it be when there's an awful, untrue rumor floating around about you?

I headed straight to my locker with my head held up high. I can't let the stares get to me.

"Hey," I heard a soft voice saying as I turned and saw Blake walking up behind me, his curly dark hair looking perfectly messy today.

"Hey," I replied, sending him a cheerful smile. "How've you been?" I turned back to my locker and opened it, grabbing all the books out that I needed.

"I've been doing okay," he stated. "I'm glad you're here. Now I have someone to talk to."

"What do you mean," I asked him. "How can a boy like you not have anyone else to talk to?" He just shrugged and looked down to the ground. "Where's your first class?"

"Science wing, you?" I slammed my locker shut and turned back around to face him completely.

"Me too. Wanna walk together," I offered. He nodded his head and we began walking to first period together.

"Lincoln," someone yelled my last name behind me just as Blake and I had reached my classroom. I turned and saw Travis running to catch up to me.

"Oh, my God. What do you want," I asked him with an exagerated roll of my eyes.

"Can we talk about that rumor going on about us," he asked.

"What's there to talk about if it's not true," I asked him. "Just let it go. Let people believe what they want."

"But, I know who started it," he stated.

"And who might that be, Travis," I asked, a little more interested.

"Dominique, obviously," he said. "She saw me coming out of your house and confronted me about it. I told her nothing happened, but she didn't believe me, I guess."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Of course she did. Just forget about it, Travis." He nodded his head and waved goodbye just as the bell rang and the three of us-Travis, Blake, and I- headed to our first periods.

I walked in to see everyone in different seats, the teacher must have changed them yesterday when I wasn't here. Thank God.

"Mrs. Lincoln," the teacher said, grabbing my attention. "You'll be sitting in the back corner next to Mr. Gallagher." My stomach dropped to floor at the sound of his name being said. I turned to look at the back of the room and sure enough, there was Carl sitting alone, slouching back in his chair.

I took a deep breath as my grip tightened on my school books and headed to my new seat. I could feel everyone's eyes burning into my back as I did so. I felted so judged and no one has the right to make me feel that way.

As Mrs. Williams gave directions to the whole class, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, frightening me because I forgot I had it with me.

I look down at my messages and saw a text from Carl... Carl Gallagher who was sitting right next to me.

💔💔💔: when bitch williams stops blabbing, can we please talk?

Noel❤️💍: carl, i'm sitting right next to you. why did you text me?

💔💔💔: just forget that, please?

Right as I had finished reading that last text, Mrs. Williams had stopped talking and everyone began to quietly whisper as she had said we could.

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