eleven - necklace

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Carl and I planned to hang out after school. Of course, Nick would tag along. I don't exactly know how long he'll be hanging around with us. It's not like I mind, though, honestly.

"Did you hear Dominique today," Carl asked. "Of course once I have a girlfriend she wants to get with me." I just nodded along to what we was saying. I don't really give a fuck that Dom was trying to hang out with him today. "Hey, why you bein' so quiet," he lightly nudged my shoulder.

"I'm just tired," I shrugged. "Didn't get a lot of sleep last night."

"You can take a nap when we get back to your place if you want," he suggested.

"Nah, I'm tired but I'm not tired enough to sleep. You know what I mean," I told him.

"Sort of, but what movies you wanna watch tonight," Carl asked.

"Uh, I don't know. What do you wana watch?"

"Something scary. Texas Chainsaw Massacre maybe," he suggested.

"Sounds good," I smiled. He wrapped his arm around me as we arrived back to my place.

We walked inside, kicking our shoes off by the front door. I set my bookbag down next to the door before completely walking in.

"I can't believe we get the house to ourselves," Carl said, hugging me from behind. "We're gonna have so much fun."

"I told you, Gallagher. Don't be getting any ideas," I stated once again.

"Hey, don't worry baby. I won't do anything that makes you too uncomfortable," he said.

"Mhm, sure buddy. Go pick out a movie," I pointed to the TV stand where all of the movies were. He let go of me and ran over to the TV stand to pick out a movie.

"Oh, can you make popcorn," he asked.

"Yup," I answered popping the 'p'. "Hey, Nick, you want anything?"

"Uh, no. Thank you, though," he said sending me a half smile.

"Okay, just make yourself at home," I stated, walking into the kitchen to make some popcorn.


By the end of the fourth movie, I was barely concious. I almost drifted off more than 50 times in one minute. Nick was already asleep, but Carl was wide awake as he popped in the next movie.

"Maybe we can finish this tomorrow," I asked, letting out a long yawn.

"Why? You tired," he teased as he sat back down next to me.

"Yeah. I woke up early this morning," I sighed.

"Come on, we used to say up until 3:00 together. It's only, like, 11:00 or something. Just a couple more movies and then I'll let you sleep," he suggested. "Please?" He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.

"Fine," I groaned. "But if I fall asleep, don't bother me."

"Trust me, I won't. You turn into a psycho when someone interrupts your sleep," he said, turning back to the TV. He was sort of right, I do get really grumpy and pissy with people when they try to wake me up. Unless they're my parents.

"What movie did you put in," I asked him, covering my mouth as I let out a yawn.

"Saw," he raised his eyebrows at me and pulled me closer to him. I groaned at the fact that he's making me watch people get their guts ripped out of their stomachs before I go to sleep.



Carl had detention today and I promised him I would wait for him outside by the swings. I listened to music on my iPod shuffle as I waited.

Soon enough, Carl came strolling out of school with a big smile on his face. He made his way to me and sat down on the swing next to me.

"What are you smiling for," I asked him, confused.

"I think I'm in love," he stated, his smile getting bigger.

"In love? Gross," I stated, with the slightest bit of hope that he was maybe in love with me. "With who?"

"This girl named Bonnie. She was in my detention," he stated. My face fell as I looked down at the ground. I always thought Carl was in love with me. I guess not.

"Why," I asked him.

"I can't stop smiling," he said. "Hey, you okay?" I lifted my head up and forced a smile.

"Yeah, I just wanna go home," I stated as I stood up and began to walk away.

"Hey, wait," Carl called. "I'll walk with you."


I drifted off to sleep in the middle saw. I fell asleep with my head rested on Carl's shoulder. It doesn't look like he moved since I fell asleep. Nick was still passed out on the chair on the other side of the room.

I was in the middle of trying to get up without waking up Carl, but there was a knock on the front door that ruined it. Carl and Nick both shot right up.

"Is it the cops," Carl whispered, looking around the room.

"Chill out. It's probably just Tucker," I told him. I quickly made my way to the front door and began to open it.

"Don't open it," Carl whisper yelled. I ignored him as I open the door, revealing Dominique on my front porch.

"Hi," she greeted in a high pitched voice. "Did I wake you?"

"Uh, n-" I began to say, but Carl had to interrupt me.

"Yes," he said, walking up next to me.

"Oh, sorry about that," she said, looking to the ground and pushing a piece of hair by her ear. I tried not to cringe as she lifted her head back up.

"Did you want something," I asked her impatiently.

"Oh, yeah," she reached down into her jacket pocket and pulled out a familiar gold necklace. "I found this on the floor in biology. Is it your's?" She handed me the necklace and I realized it was the necklace my aunt Daniella gave me when I vented to her about Bonnie and Carl.

"Yeah, oh, my God. Thanks. I don't know what I would do without this," I thanked her.

"It's no problem. I was just on my way to the park anyways," she stated. "I just wanted to give you back your necklace. I'll see you later."

"Thanks, again. Bye," I said as she walked off the front porch, sending me a small wave before walking away.

"Where'd you get that," Carl asked, following me on my heels. "Who'd you get it from?"

"My aunt Daniella gave it to me when-" I stopped myself before I said anything that would embarrass me.

"When what," he questioned.

"When she went off to college," I lied. "You hungry." I turned around and saw Carl and Nick both giving me weird looks. "What?"

"Nothin'," he shrugged. "We're hungry, though."


a/n: it's dylan o'brien's birthday! ahh all of my favorite people have birthdays in august whaaat!

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