twelve - cardigan

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Carl🐶❤️: party tonight. pick you up @ 8:00.

El💍❣️: ughh do i have to gooo?

Carl🐶❤️: yes.

El💍❣️: whose party?

Carl🐶❤️: kid from school.

El💍❣️: what should i wear?

Carl🐶❤️: something hot 😏 but not too hot. i don't need all the guys drooling over you.

El💍❣️: "hot" isn't exactly my style babe😕

Carl🐶❤️: awww you called me babe 😍

El💍❣️: whatever 🙄 see you at 8:00.

Carl🐶❤️: if you can't figure out what to wear i could come over and help 😉

El💍❣️: byeeee ❤️

Carl🐶❤️: love youuuu😘

El💍❣️: i know 😉

I shut my phone off and rested it on my night stand. It's 4:30, which gives me three and a half hours to get ready.

It isn't that cold outside and I figured it would probably be really hot at the party from all the body heat. I pulled out a white crop top, a pair of shorts, a white cardigan and my vans.

As I got dressed, I remembered something my dad told me a long time ago. He said, 'something bad always happens at a party. It may not happen to you or a friend, but it happens to someone'. I never believed him, but now his words are starting to sink in. Part of me is telling me that I should call it off. However, another part of me is saying to just go out and have some fun. It's Saturday, if I don't go to this party, what else will I do? Sit home? Watch movies? Eat my life away? I'm young, I need to start living a little.

By the time I made a final decision, it was 7:45. I decided to leave my hair down the way it was and just put on some mascara. My mom always tells me that she never wore make up on a date or anywhere special because she knew she didn't need it to make her beautiful. That's why she only lets me use the basics. Eyeshadow, mascara, and lipgloss. I have eyeliner, but she only lets me use that on special occasions.

I heard the front door open as I finished putting my mascara on. I froze where I was and listened for footsteps. I heard them start towards th staircase. It could be Carl, I'm pretty sure he still has a key to the house. But, what if it isn't Carl and I forgot to lock the front door?

I quickly grabbed my phone off of my night stand where it was charging and grabbed a bat out of my closet I've had since I was six when I thought I was a professional softball player. I dialed 911 but didn't hit call yet, you always have to be prepared you know? I stood against the door and waited to see who was entering my house. I heard them enter the upstairs hallway and soon enough I saw their shadow. I got my bat ready and as they stepped into my room I swung my bat, hitting them in the chest. They tumbled to the ground, groaning in pain.

"What the fuck, Noel," Carl groaned, holding his chest as he laid on the hallway floor. I dropped down on my knees next to him and began to apologize like crazy.

"Oh, my God. Carl, I'm so sorry. I thought you were an intruder," I told him. "You gotta atleast text me and tell me you're here before you come sneaking up on me!"

"Noted," he groaned as he tried to sit up. I put my hand on his back and helped him up. "Atleast I don't have to worry about you being alone as much." His words made my heart skip a beat.

"You were worried about me," I asked, flattered.

"Of course," he smiled. "You're here alone, in a house, on the southside of Chicago. Why wouldn't I be worried?"

"I just didn't think you cared that much," I stated, setting the bat down against the wall.

"El, I care about you more than anything in this world," he stated. "You should know that."

"Same here," I told him. "I think I worry about you too much, though."

"Don't worry about me, babe," he told me. "Let's go before they run out of beer."

"Wow, wait. You're not drinking," I stated.

"Yeah? Says who," he taunted me.

"Says me," I snapped.

"You need to loosen up a little," he said. "Stop being so uptight all the time." Ouch.

"I'm not uptight, Carl," I stated. "I just don't want anything bad to happen at this party."

"Nothing bad is going to happen. Can we just go," he asked. I rolled my eyes as I moved passed him downstairs. I headed outside the front porch and almost pissed my pants when I saw someone standing in front of the doorway. I jumped back, holding a hand to my heart, realizing that it was only Nick.

"Sorry Nick," I said. "You scared me." I took a deep breath and let my hand fall to my side as Carl hugged me from behind.

"My bad," Nick said. There wasn't a hint of emotion in his face. The three of us stood there in an awkward silence before Carl decided to break it.

"Well, let's go. Damn," he pushed my back lightly, signaling me to start walking and that's what I did. Nick hopped on a bike as Carl and I followed on foot. "I was gonna bring my-"

"Hey, El," Tucker yelled from his porch. I realized that I haven't exactly talked to him in awhile.

"Hey, Tuck," I greeted as we stopped my his house. "What are you doin'?"

"I was just about to come over and see if you wanted to watch a movie, but I see that you're busy," he stated.

"Oh, yeah," I said awkwardly. "I'm free tomorrow if you wanna hang out?"

"Yeah! That sounds great," Tucker cheered.

"Cool, just come by whenever," I told him.

"Totally, see you tomorrow," he said as he walked back up his steps. He gave me one last wave for the night before he headed inside.

"Um, excuse me," Carl grabbed my arm. "What was that?"

"What are you talking about," I jerked my arm out of his grip. "Tucker's my bestfriend. I'm not going to exclude him just because you're back in town, Carl."

"No, Noel, I'm your bestfriend," he argued.

"Carl, you were my bestfriend. Tucker was there when you weren't," I stated. "And if I'm being completely honest, he is a way better friend to me than you ever were. He never excluded me or put me after anyone else and I'm not going to do that to him." Obviously, Carl wasn't happy about what I said.

"Whatever," he scoffed. "Let's just go. Unless you wanna ditch me for your new bestfriend." He started to walk away but I couldn't just let him think of me that way.

"Carl," I grabbed his arm, pulling him back to me. "I'm not going to ditch you for anyone else. I'm not that kind of person, you should know that. You're my boyfriend and I love you." I wrapped an arm around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"I'm sorry, baby girl," he apologized. "I love you too."

"I know," I stated. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me in the air. I let out a small squeal as he put me back down and pressed his lips against mine. "Jeez, Gallagher." I straightened out my cardigan as I turned and continued to walk to the party.


a/n: i almost got drunk at my friend's quinceanera. oops.

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