eighteen - soft lips

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I hopped out of Daniella's car and headed inside the school building. I know biology will be extra awkward today because of what happened last night. I can handle it, though. I've been in more awkward situations than this.

I'm a little earlier than usual today, so I decided to do a little extra studying in the library before I have to head off to biology.

I walked into the library. It didn't look like there was anyone in here so, I sat down and began studying my history notes.

"Oh, hi there, Ella," I heard Doninique's voice say behind me. I rolled my eyes at the nickname. 'Ella'. It's either Noel or El. Nothing else unless I give you permission. I turned and faced her.

"What do want," I asked quite irritated. Everytime I want some peace to get done the things that need to be done, someone always has to ruin it for me.

"I just wanted to say thank you for getting me grounded," she stated. I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"What," I asked, still a little confused.

"Your aunt, or whoever that woman was, told my dad that I went to a party when I wasn't allowed. And, on top of that, I kissed a boy and probably ruined a relationship. So, thank you so much for getting me in trouble," she half yelled.

"How did I get you in trouble? You're the one that went against your father's rules. Not me," I fired back. "So, if you're going to blame anyone, blame yourself. Also, you did ruin a relationship."

"Oh, please. You guys probably weren't going to last a month," she scoffed. "Anyways, I did you a favor. I showed you how back stabbing he was before anything got too serious. If I didn't kiss him, who knows? Maybe he'd be fucking some skank in a supplies closet right now." Before she could say anything else, I reached my hand back and and slapped her right on the side of her face as hard as I could.

"Don't you dare talk about him like you know him," I snapped. "He is not the backstabbing asshole you made him out to be. He is so much more than that. So how about you keep your big ass mouth shut and stay in your own lane, bitch." She was taken aback that I had slapped her.

To be completely honest, slapping her in the face made me feel so much better. Like a bunch of weight was lifted off of my shoulders.

She kept her hand on her cheek and stared at me in shock as I gathered my books up and stormed out of the library, only to bump in to Carl.

"Hey," he rested his hands on my shoulders. "You okay?" I looked up to meet his eyes and saw how concerned and worried he looked.

"You didn't hear any of that did you," I asked as I tried to calm myself down. He nodded his head yes, making me groan out of frustration.

"You didn't have to stick up for me like that," he said in a soft voice.

"Yes I did," I half yelled. "She was talking shit about the best fucking friend I've ever had. I wasn't going to let her talk about you like that." The corners of his lips began to form into a smile. God, I missed that smile so much.

"I'm the best friend you've ever had," he asked. I nodded my head, looking down to the ground. He lifted my chin up with his finger and once again, I met those beautiful blueish green eyes of his. "You are too." He then bent down a little and pressed his soft lips against mine. I hesitated, but I finally kissed back.

Right when I did, Dominique came out into the hallway. An embarrassed look on her face once she saw us together. We watched her pass by us with her head down. That'll show her.

"I'm sorry for everything," Carl said as we turned back to eachother. "I hate that you had to go through all of this." His fingers intertwined with mined and he began to rub my hand with his thumb.

"It made me stronger, I guess," I shrugged. "It's okay."

"It's not okay. It's not," he stated. "I was stupid for believing all of that shit about you. I love you."

"I love you, too," I smiled, wrapping my arms around his torso.


Carl🐶❤️: what's the answer to number 7?

I squinted at the text message I just recieved. Turning back to look at Carl across the room. We made eye contact and he just shrugged his shoulders.

Noel💍❣️: figure it out yourself.

Carl🐶❤️: please babyyyy 😩

Noel💍❣️: ugh it's 47 🙄

Carl🐶❤️: really? i got 12.

Noel💍❣️: do i need to tutor you?

Carl🐶❤️: yes please 😏

Carl🐶❤️: tutors are hot.

I ignored his last message and continued on with my work.


I was walking home from school alone today because Nick and Carl had something to do. They asked me if I would want to join them, but I said no. You never know what to expect from Carl.

Just as I reached my street, my phone began to ring in my back pocket. I pulled it out and saw that I had an incoming call from Debbie.

"Hey, Debs," I answered, putting the phone up to my ear.

"Hey, how are you," she asked me.

"I'm great. How are you? How is your pregnancy?"

"Well, it could be going a lot better if people would stop being such assholes," she stated. "Derek's stupid parents took Derek away from me, Fiona is acting like such a bitch, and none of my teachers are taking me seriously."

"Jeesh, Debs. Sounds like you need a break," I told her.

"Yeah, tell me about it," she agreed. "Anyways, the reason why I called you was to invite you to my gender reveal party. It's not gonna be at my house, though."

"Sure, Debs. I'd love to go, just send me the address and time. I'll be there," I said, accepting her offer.

"Great! See you later, El!"

"Bye Debs," I hung up the phone and set it back into my pocket as I walked up my front steps.


a/n: im sorry i've taken forever to update this. i've had such writer's block for this chapter. i'm also so sorry this chapter is so short, i just couldn't find anything else to add to it.

homecoming was AMAZING btw, my crush actually broke up with his date at the dance??!! and ever since, he's always complimenting me and flirting with me and i lowkey love it, but like we've grown like a bestfriend relationship and i'm afraid if he finds out my true feelings for him, it'll ruin that and that's not what i want :(

anyways, ilygsm!!

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