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"Lillian, Harry you are so loved, so loved

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"Lillian, Harry you are so loved, so loved. Momma loves you, Dada loves you. You both stay strong, be brave and never forget the love we have for you."

"Avada Kedavra!"


IT WAS A COLD DARK KNIGHT when a man emerged from the shadows, letting the lamps that once shown the street dimmed. Each one going out one by one, the street growing darker and darker until a certain cat meowed catching the attention of the man.

"Professor McGonagall?" The man asked.

The cat that once stood transformed into a woman, she straightened her cloak and walked over to the man and looked nervously at him.

"Evening Professor Dumbledore." She said and both of them started walking down the now dark street.

"Are the rumors true Albus?" She asked and the man nodded sadly.

"Yes, I'm afraid so Professor. The good and the bad" he stated sadly.

"What about the boy and girl?" She asked.

"Hagrid is bringing them now." He answered and the woman looked at the man in alarm.

"Are is sure it is wise to let Hagrid deal with something as important as this?" She asked concerned.

"I would trust Hagrid with my life." He spoke confidently and as he said that he heard the sound of an engine and turned.

The two Professors looked and saw a flying motorcycle heading towards them and watched as it reached closer and closer to them. It landed on the ground with a thud and soon it landed right in front of the two, the man inside the motorcycle lifted his goggles revealing the man's face and identity.

"Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall." Hagrid said greeting them, picking up the two bundles.

"No problems I trust Hagrid?" Professor Dumbledore asked.

"No sir, little guy fell asleep and the little girl kept holding on to my hand looking at me with her big emerald eyes. Just like her mother I tell ya." Hagrid walks over to the two handing Professor Dumbledore the boy and Professor McGonagall the girl.

The two started to walk towards a house and as they drew closer Professor McGonagall was skeptical.

"Are you sure we should give the boy to this family? I watched them all day they're the worst type of muggles. They really are-"

"They are their only family." Professor Dumbledore said, cutting Professor McGonagall off.

"What about the girl? We can't possibly leave her alone." She protested. "I don't understand why we should separate the twins when their best chance is to be together.

Peculiar Witch • Fred Weasley • REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now