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IT WAS CHRISTMAS TIME and mostly everyone was going home because of the accidents

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IT WAS CHRISTMAS TIME and mostly everyone was going home because of the accidents. After sending letters to Miss Peregrine, Lillian was advised to come home, so this Christmas she was going home. She had all of her things ready and she was going to the train. But not before giving her gifts.

"I'm sorry I can't stay." Lillian said and hugging Hermione.

"We know, your guardian only wants you to be safe." Hermione says.

"Well that and I also promised Bronwyn and Claire I'd come home. They've told me in their letters how they would give anything for me to come home." She said and She grabbed her bag and handed Hermione, Ron, and Harry their gift.

"Don't open them til Christmas, okay?" she said and then turned to Hermione. "Is the potion ready?"

"Yes, everything's set. We just need a bit of who you're changing into." Hermione said and Lillian nodded.

"Crabbe And Goyle." Harry said.

"We also need to make sure that the real Crabbe And Goyle can't burst in on us while we're interrogating Malfoy." Hermione told them.

"How?" Ron asked.

"I've got it all worked out. I filled these cupcakes with a simple sleeping draught. Thank Lillian for creating it, it's very powerful. Now once they're asleep, hide them in the broomstick cupboard and pull out a few of their hairs and put in their uniforms." Hermione explained.

Harry and Ron look at each other thinking that it was an insane idea.

"Who's hair are you ripping out, then?" Ron asked.

"I've already got mine. Millicent Bulstrode. Slytherin. I got this off her robes. I'm going to check on the Polyjuice potion. Make sure Crabbe And Goyle find these." Hermione said.

Lillian saw Cedric and Hannah as well and looked at the three of them.

"Then it's my cue to go, I'll have to be home before supper." Lillian said and hugged them all once more.

Lillian went over to Cedric and Hannah and hugged them as well.

"You guys going home?" Lillian asked as she adjusted her bag as she grabbed their gifts and handed it to them. Hannah gave Lillian her present in return and groaned at the mention of home.

"Yeah, my mum wants me to see the cousins." Hannah says with a huff.

"You don't seem to happy about it, it couldn't be any worse than your aunt." Lillian said as Hannah pouted.

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