•Ch. 6•

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IT HAD BEEN A COUPLE DAYS after the date and Lillian was happy with the outcome

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IT HAD BEEN A COUPLE DAYS after the date and Lillian was happy with the outcome. Fred has been a gentlemen and treating her like a princess. Though they would see the cheering squad that consisted of George, Hannah, and Lee every time they hung out, everything was content.

The black dog that Lillian had befriended was sweet to her. Over the past couple of days she would try and go out and say hello to her dog friend. She decided to come once again and give the dog a couple of biscuits with peanut butter and a piece of chicken.

She given these things by the lovely elf cooks in the kitchen. All of them had knew Lillian from Dobby and was quite the friend to all of them.

Newt was in Lillian's pocket as she walked outside and felt the nice breeze from the day. She held the food in her bag and as she went toward the tree, she sat down and waited for her friend.

As she waited she took out her book and began to read, as she read Newt climbed onto her shoulder and sat there as she read silently to herself.

As she read to herself, all of sudden she heard barking and when she looked up she saw the dog. She smiled and opened her arms out and which the dog came running toward her and went right into her arms.

"Hello again." She said and scratched behind the dogs ears and it's tail wagged. "You know I still don't have a name for you. Would you like one?"

The dog barked and Lillian laughed at his enthusiasm.

"What about, Baewolf?" She asked. "After the great warrior."

The dog shook his head and barked and she laughed.

"Alright what about, snuffles?" She asked and the dog barked in protest but Lillian shook her head.

"It's settled snuffles." She said tauntingly and laughed. The dog growled but Lillian held up her hands as she tried to quiet her laughter. "Okay, well to make up for offending you, here's some biscuits and chicken. As always."

The dog drooled at the sight of food and began to eat it immediately and scarfed down every little bit.

"Alright, now let's hear the story of Alice in Wonderland." Lillian said and held the book in her hand and the dog came up beside her and listened to her read as they enjoyed the sunny day.


After her reading with snuffles as she called the dog with much distaste from the dog she was going up the stairs with Hermione, Ron, and Harry to the dorm. She was gonna go and see Fred for studying.

Newt was sitting in Lillian's pocket and peeling his head out so often to look out. Lillian was walking beside her brother while Ron began to talk about Hogsmeade. But as he Lillian looked up and saw a huge crowd forming at the top of the entrance.

Peculiar Witch • Fred Weasley • REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now