1 - And when I say perfect, I mean PERFECT

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A/N: Okay so it might not be like an Ethan Fanfiction at the first parts of this story, but hold on, don't leave yet, you just gotta wait for it. Also most of this chapter mentions Elijah, but if you read my description, uh no, you're not in an Elijah Fanfiction and this isn't clickbait. If you read the story you'll find out why ;) TTYL!

1 - And when I say perfect, I mean PERFECT
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My best friend Kayleigh and I have this funny weekly tradition. We text each other everyday, but every Friday, we make this kind of nightly phone call at nine o' clock and talk about our week so far, since whatever happened the Saturday before that Friday until that Friday.

This nightly phone call thing started seven years ago, so yeah, we never forget it. Sometimes we don't even know we're already doing it.

So when the clock strikes nine one Friday night, I grab my phone. Usually Kayleigh calls first, so I don't always have to hit call.

"Wazufghunufer," I tell her, which is my way of saying hello. We communicate this way. Kind of our secret language (yeah, I know, we're totally weird human beings).

"Tufflermuffpotsheez," Kayleigh says, which is her way of saying hello.

"So, how was last Saturday?" I ask as usual. We first ask ourselves what happened last Saturday, then we move to Monday, Tuesday, and so on. It's just like that.

"Watched a movie," she says. "Cars 3. Pretty lame. You?"

"Nothing, actually." I shrug, but then again she can't see me. "This week was full of nothingness."

"Same. So hopefully, you got tired of your daydream tradition...."

"Nope!" I say, laughing. "Gotcha!"

"Ugh," she groans. "What is it this time?"

Oh, about that. Before our call ends, I tell Kayleigh about my latest daydream -- my daydream about Elijah Best, my crush-and-has-always-been.

Elijah Best was my science lab partner in sixth grade, and that was when I started crushing on him. Middle school.

He wasn't exactly "attractive," but something in my gut told me that he is. I don't know, it's hard to explain. Like even if he looks like an idiot, I would still like him.

Like it's not about the looks. But oh well.

I remember very well Kayleigh teasing me about him. And I could tell she liked the fact that I liked Elijah back then. She even helped me try to get his attention. It was an epic fail, unfortunately, but what can you say about that? Kayleigh was just trying to be helpful.

Except now...she changed a lot. She almost (I think) hates Elijah -- and I, her best friend since first grade, think that it's because she either:

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