She A Maverick

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Logan POV

''You're breaking up with me''she said tugging me around to see her watered eyes.

''We can't be together anymore it's hurting my brother''I said avoiding her questioning gaze.

''HE DESTROYED ME''She screamed angrily.

''You don't understand''I said and she pulled me closer.

 '' I have lived long enough to know that what we share I can't replicate with another. This love, this feeling, is just you and me. I could travel the world and the seven seas; I'd still have to come right back here if I wanted true love. It's not that nobody else wants me, or you, but that we were born to spark and run the same course. We are the protectors of one another, confidents and true friends. The trust I give you, that you give me, is what keeps us safe in this world, in this life. So whether this heart beats another day or another hundred years - it is yours. ''She hugged me sobbing.

I close my eyes and comfort her cause I really didn't want to leave her. 

''  As soon as we meet I knew you were the one
The one I would spend my days thinking of
And the one I would spend my nights dreaming about
The one who would hold me when I cried
And the one who would laugh with me
The one who I would share my life with
And the one I would love
I knew all that as soon as we met ''Shew sobbed crying helplessly.

''I'm sorry''I whisper hugging her.

''When I met you I'd already lost my entire world. How can you hang on to something so incomprehensible? How can you keep pouring love into an abyss? But then there you were. There was something in those brown eyes that was so beautiful, so safe and warm. In just one look I was "home." I reached out and made the connection, and like God Himself had arranged it, you fell for me just as hard. That first day we talked, just the two of us, I still recall the conversation, the feeling you gave. You didn't know it, but that day you saved me. We became inseparable, and though not married yet, we were one from that day on. But don't the years take their toll my love? Or perhaps it isn't time, it's this modern life we all work for, strive for, embrace while it destroys us. We work to raise a family, we love our children without bounds, and then we look at one another with tired eyes and empty limbs. I am as much in love with you today as I ever was, perhaps even more so, but I'm tired''

''Tired of what''she said eyes fiercely.

''Of life''

''Then I'm stick with you till you not tired okay''She said kissing me.

I lift her up as we exited our wedding and I look out and shout happily spinning her.

''Were we ever strangers? I'm not sure we were. That day I first saw you there was something even then, though I didn't know what. I wonder if there's an element of time that allows us to feel a strong love, like an orange glow bursting over a dark horizon. It was light for our eyes only, something to carry us through this life. It was the dawn of the person I am today, the person I was destined to be. I would give up anything in the world for you, I would do anything to keep you safe. Though I work hard to keep you comfortable now and into our old age, I'd rather be poor in money than risk loosing your heart. I recall the day our bond was forged. It was like being let into the warmth after a lifetime of winter. I could never wish to go back to even a day before that. You are the greatest treasure of my life, the one, the only one''

''SHE A MAVERICK''Maverick screamed and I smile also screaming.

''SHE A MAVERICK''I smile kissing her.

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