Chapter 3

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Enchanted Forest.

Hook's POV

As I was on my way to the queen's castle when I saw Prince Charming and he shot a bow an arrow at me.

"Bloody hell!" I yell.

"Where do you think your going?" Charming questions.

"That my business." I say and try to walk away when he tackled me.

"Its my business when my daughter's life is at stake." He says.

"Well I didnt do anything." I say.

He placed his sword up to my throat when a fireball almost hit him.

"These are my woods Charming. Now let the Captain go." Regina says.

"You'll pay if anything happens to my daughter." Charming says and left.

I got up and Regina flashed us to her castle. She looked at me and then healed my cut.

"Why did you save me?" I ask her.

"Because your my only real friend, but you know the man that took the Princess." Regina says.

"Who took her?" I ask.

"I think it was Blackbeard." She says.

"Why do you want to Princess?" I ask.

"Oh I dont. I want you to save her and get in good with the Charming's and then I will tell you the rest when we get there." She says.

"Okay. I'll go save the Princess. Wait whats her name?" I ask.

"Emma. Her name is Emma." She says.

I guess Im off to save Princess Emma.


Killian's POV

I was in the sheriff station when Regina walked in.

"Emma Swan has a date with Neal and we both know what Neal really wants to do to her tonight. You must keep an eye on her at all time." Regina says.

"Regina why did we cast this curse?" I ask her.

"I thought you remembered. I'll figure it out later. You just do keep an eye one Emma." She says.

"I will." I say.

In the Enchanted Forest I saved Emma and I know Im gonna have to do it again. I just wonder why we dont know why we cast the curse. Does it have to do with me and Emma? Maybe Regina and Robin? Who knows if this cruse ever breaks we will know the truth.

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