Chapter 21

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Enchanted Forest

Killian's POV

I rushed over to the Evil Queen's castle because there was no way that Charming and Snow where going to come between Emma and I.

"Regina! Regina!" I yell walking inside her castle.

The next thing I knew I was in the room that she always uses to make her Evil plans.

"What is it?" Regina asks angrily.

"Woah whats with you?" I ask.

"You got the idea of love in my head and I opened my heart to the thought of love for Robin and his Merry Men ruined it and now they will pay." She says.

"Well I have the same problem. Emma told me she cares about me and then we had this amazing kiss and then her parents took her away from me. So I need a way to get her back." I say.

"Well then we need to find away to back at those who took them away from us. Its time to show they how bad of Villains we really are. So Captain are you with me?" She asks.

"If it means I will have my sweet sweet Emma back then yeah. Lets find away to get them back." I say.

I know this is a risky plan, but I love Emma and I cant lose her.


Emma's POV

I had spent the night out with Killian we didnt do anything except kiss alot and I ended up fall asleep in his arms. I was heading to the store when I saw Gold and August talking.

"What the hell?" Robin questions.

I pulled him behind a car and then Killian and Regina showed up and started talking to them.

"Okay this is alittle weird." I say.

"What the fact that Gold was talking to the new guy and interrupted by the sheriff and the mayor or the fact that your lipstick in on Killian's collar bone?" Robin questions.

"The first thing. Also I couldnt resist he said he has a soft neck that women love and he wasnt kidding." I say looking at Killian.

"Wow. So what do you think they are saying?" He asks.

"Not sure, but I dont like the look of it. Its weird and strange. Its like they all know something that we dont." I say.

"Oh no... They saw us." He says.

"Swan?" Killian questions.

"Robin? What are you guys doing?" Regina asks.

"I dropped my keys under this car and Robin was helping me get them." I lie.

"Okay then." Regina says.

"Yeah okay... Oh and I'll see you later. Right love?" Killian asks.

"Yeah see you later." I say.

Killian and Regina walked away as August and Gold went into Gold's shop. Something wasnt right here something was just off. I have to find the truth and I think I know how to do just that.

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