Chapter 14

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Enchanted Forest

Robin's POV

Emma was falling for a Villain, but who am I to judge because so am I. I know my band of Merry Men do not approve of Regina being around and being around my son though I could careless.

"So what did Emma say to you? Regina asks.

"Oh she said she is back." I say.

"Your lying. Why are you lying?" She asks.

"Because it isnt my place to say its hers." I say.

"Hey... Umm Robin your group dont want me here do they?" She asks.

"No, but Im the boss and what I say goes." I say.

"Thats sweet, but why would you want me here. Im the evil queen." She says.

"It doesnt matter to me. Your not evil in.... You know what I gotta put Roland down for bed." I say.

"Can I do it?" She asks.

"Sure." I say.

She got up and took Roland back inside to put him to bed. Yeah its official Im falling for the Evil Queen and I like it.


Robin's POV

Emma was over at my house freaking out about having a picnic with Killian. Which I thought was weird that she was so nervous.

"Emma breathe. Its just one night." I tell her.

"How can I? What if its not safe?" She asks.

"Well your going out with the Sheriff so your the only one safe in the town." I say.

"Well I'll see you later." She says and walked out.

After Emma left most likely to get ready I met up with Regina and she had a little boy by her side and he looked familiar.

"Who is this?" I ask.

"This little boy lost his mother recently and it showed that he is your son." Regina says.

"I have a son?" I ask.

"Well according to his birth certificate you are." She says.

The little boy looked nervous and was attached to Regina. Even if he is my son I will take him in and take care of him. As for Regina if she and I are meant to be then I guess this whole thing will work out nicely. I hope.

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