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During the fall in Queens, New York I began to move into the apartment my parents bought a few months ago due to their job transfer. So here I am, sat in the back of our small car with both headphones in staring out the window hoping for a fresh new start for my parents as for me..I was just hoping I would make it through the first day of school. Once the car came to a stop I opened the car door to an apartment complex, it wasn't the richest area but it wasn't the poorest but what caught my eye was a super fancy black sports car parked right behind us. It seemed as if it didn't belong in this sort of neighborhood, my thoughts were interrupted by my mom wrapping her arm around my shoulder,"Come on sweetheart time to bring up the boxes." I just gave her a soft smile and nodded as she walked away but once again the car came back into my view and my thoughts were all over the place. Why would a car like that be in a place like this? I grabbed my box of books and made my way to the stairs, I sighed as I looked up and began walking the stairway to a new beginning. After an hour of walking up and down stairs I sat down at the last stair trying to catch my breath with a box of my stuff at my feet,"Need some help?" I looked up and saw a boy who looked to be some what around my age with short brown hair some what, with these brown eyes you couldn't look away from. He had a backpack on his shoulders and a smile on his lips,"Um you don't have to.." He picked up the box gracefully and handed out his hand for me to stand up,"I want to, besides you look pretty wiped." We both laughed as we both made our way up the stairs,"I'm Chelsy by the way."

"I'm Peter, so I'm guessing you just moved in." I nodded while watching my step because no way in hell was I going to trip. Again,"Yeah actually this is my floor." His face lit up quickly as he smiled,"Me too." We both smiled and walked over to my door and he handed me my box but as he did our hands slightly brushed against each others. As if I had rang a bell or screamed out,'I'm with a boy!' my mom opened the door to us both and she smiled at Peter,"Well I see you've already made friends, hello I'm Chelsy's mother Mrs. Rodriguez." They shook hands as I awkwardly stood there,"Thank you for carrying my box up here."

"No problem see you around Chelsy, also nice to meet you Mrs. Rodriguez." He gave me one last smile and walked across the hall,"What a nice boy, go get the last box while your father and I go get something to eat." After I put my boxes in my room and looked around for a while I headed down the stairs but only to find a strange man walking in front of me in a suit with some dark sunglasses on, I slowed down to follow him. My curiosity got the best of me so when he walked out to the fancy sports car he turned around and I saw it was Tony Stark. I quickly hide behind the wall as he got in the back seat and the car drove away, why is Tony Stark here? Out of all places.


After unpacking all my clothes my parents finally came home with some Chinese food,"We brought you some food." My dad laughed as he pulled out some boxes of food,"By that she means the only food we could find after we got lost." I softly laughed as I took a small box of noodles from my dad, for the rest of the night we ate food and unpacked the basics until ten. By then my bed was set up and that was left was my bookshelf but I couldn't reach the top shelf due to me being super short, as I pulled out my laptop I heard a knock on my window. I saw a girl in front of my bay window she was waving at me to open it and dumbass me opened it,"Hi I'm Callie your next door neighbor I brought some brownies but not weed brownies like my brother, he's an asshole." I just stared at this girl in complete shock because I had no idea who she was or why she knocked on my window instead of knocking on my door,"Sorry for rambling what's your name."

"I'm Chelsy, thank you for the brownies. Um come in." She crawled threw the window and looked around my room for a while,"Nice room kid." I just nodded and placed the plate on my bookshelf,"So why did you knocked on the window you know we have a door right?" She shrugged her shoulders as she picked up a photo of me and my family when I was younger,"Why not besides you seem nice and you looked like you could use some friends." She wasn't wrong I was really scared to start off at my new school without knowing anyone,"Thanks I could." Callie put the picture down and smiled at me, Callie had short pink hair, slightly tanned with brown piercing eyes that anyone could fall for. She wore some black leggings with a green flannel and brown heeled boots,"What school are you attending kid?"

"Midtown High School of Science and Technology." As Callie looked threw my books she quickly faced me,"Me too well I guess I'll meet you tomorrow morning to walk with you, goodnight kid." She crawled out the window and closed it before waving at me while leaving, I sat down at my bed trying to put together what just happened but it didn't seem real. Hopefully tomorrow Callie will be at my front door waiting for me to walk to school so I could know this was real, that my first friend crawled threw my window and gave my brownies.

Authors Note:

Hey guys! So this is my first superhero fan fiction but I'm actually not a huge Spider-Man fan this is for my best friend who is a huge fan. So I read some other fan fiction for some inspiration and this what I came up with so far, hope you all enjoy!

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