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It's quite the shocker when people you'd thought never believe a ridiculous fairy tale story with a man in a red and blue leotard. Callie didn't believe me right away, for a while she thought I was on crack and almost had me drug tested. In the end she believed me but since then it's been almost dead silent due to the TV in the background but at last she broke the silence,¨Your screwed dude." I let my head hang low but snapped it back up once I processed what she had just said,¨But this was only a one time thing-¨ Callie held her finger up as she sat up from the kitchen table grabbing our plates as she made her way to the sink,"Don't give me that one time bullshit this is just the beginning your epic no longer normal life, I mean think about it if the giant bird man wanted to go after Spiderman again I wouldn't doubt he'd get the girl who tried to save his life. It's literally in every comic book or love story but I don't think they all have a giant bird man." I kept my mouth shut knowing she was right yet I was also thankful that I didn't have any younger siblings to put in harms way,"I mean if you don't mind being the damsel in distress all the time then your fine but all I can say people will get hurt and don't think I haven't forgotten about Mr. Tony Stark. If this Spiderman is an Avenger then girl your about to be locked up in that tower held to-"

I threw my hands up in the air not able to retain anymore information about this situation but I knew it was the cold hard truth,"Okay okay I messed up but what am I supposed to do? I can't be the small defenseless girl anymore." Callie rolled her eyes as she laughed,"This is coming from the girl who almost fought Flash for hitting on her man, I think you'll be fine cupcake."

"I'm serious Callie that was in the moment reflexes and pure instinct, I won't be able to take care of myself in New York. I can barely walk down the stairs without looking around me at least five times!" I threw my head in my hands completely unprepared to face the truth and reality of the situation,"Well sadly last time I checked I don't have Black Widow on speed dial but if I were you I'd start with the basics, Juliet can you bring me the box underneath my bed." Within seconds I could hear small feet running around the house making their way to where we were, Juliet held a old shoe box in her hands smiling at us,"This one?" Callie nodded as she took the box in her own hands giving Juliet a small kiss on her head before pushing her towards the TV again,"Alright I got a few things up my sleeve but hopefully it's enough." She began to pull out various objects included small pocket knifes and pepper spray,"I don't need to jump anyone Callie I just-" Once again she cut me enough with her damn finger and handed me a can of pepper spray,"You'll thank me later kid."


On Monday morning pretending I hadn't nearly died and met Spiderman was the hardest thing to hide, I didn't feel the need to tell people but just hiding the fact that I was scared of the outcome of what I had just started. I was knocked out my thoughts literally when I hit something very hard almost sending me the floor at full speed but was stopped to barely keep my nose from hitting the floor,"We have to stop meeting like this." Just by the sound of his voice I already knew who it was,"Peter this would be the part where you'd either drop me or help me stand on my feet." Within a second he pulled me back up to face him,"Good morning Chelsy."
"Good morning Peter." Our little moment was cut short by the sound of the bell for 1st period. Yet the loudest bell could have gone off but we didn't move a muscle,"Come on love birds." Callie grabbed me by my backpack pulling me or basically dragging me away from Peter while Ned did the same to him, we both just smiled and waved at each other as we were being pulled away from our moment that could have lasted forever.

"Callie now isn't the time to be pulling me away-" She cut me off by showing me the school newspaper, as I took it in my hands I realized I was on the front cover with Spiderman when we pulled our little Mission Impossible stunt. Everything she said was true my face was now out there in the public, my role for the damsel in distress had just begun,"Your lucky this isn't on the streets of Queens now kid." Before the words could leave my mouth I was already crying on Callie's shoulder, she hugged me tightly as I cried even harder I should have stayed at the party and now I got myself into this mess.

After my breakdown at school Callie took me home to get my mind off the situation but no mater how many times I told her I wanted to be alone she refused and planted herself on the couch watching over me like a mother. Yet after she made me lunch she passed out which let me relax in my room for a little but no matter how many other things I worried about he was still in my mind. When I looked up I saw the insect himself hanging upside down by the fire escape he slightly waved at me with a white bag in his other hand, I slowly walked over to my window and his smile grew bigger but it was cut off by me closing the curtain,"Aww come I brought food." I sighed and opened the window slightly letting the wind blow in and in seconds his masked head popped threw the curtain,"What kind of food?" He opened the bag and handed it to me,"Grilled cheese and pasta, there's also a milkshake in there." I opened the window even more to let him in but he crawled onto the roof then letting himself fall onto the bed,"Comfy bed." I rolled my eyes as I sat next to him while I began to take out the contents in the bag,"I'm sorry."
"It's fine, I signed myself up for it anyway." He placed his hand on mine as I looked down at my food, his touch felt warm and comforting yet familiar,"Do I get to know your name Spiderman?" He just held my hand tighter,"Eventually."


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