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"Peter put that away! You are definitely not wearing that." Peter threw his shirt in the air and went threw his closet again,"You girls are so damn picky." I smiled while taking a bite from my sandwich but no matter how much I distracted myself with food I couldn't ignore the pit in my stomach,"How's this?" I looked up to see him wearing a plain white tee shirt with some dark blue jeans and a light green flannel,"Here button it up." I got up and helped him fix his tee shirt but once I saw he buttoned it all the way I laughed,"It's a party not an academic decathlon." I unbuttoned a few on the top but due to me being nervous we both got silent. For a moment we didn't move at all, the only thing I could see was his shirt and I could feel him looking at me. I wanted to look up at him but I was frozen with fear of what might happen next. Thank god Aunt May had called us from the living room,"Peter! Chelsy! Ned and Callie are here!" We both moved away from each other and I grabbed my purse from his bed and tried to hurry out the door but I tripped. Before my face could hit the door frame Peter had caught me with his hand around my waist,"Thanks...we should go don't want to be late." Peter just nodded but he didn't move his hand, so we both walked out with his hand on my back. The pit in my stomach had returned while we were all walking down stairs with Aunt May behind us all. I really need to get that feeling under control or whatever it was.

Aunt May had managed to fit us all her small van to drive us to the party,"Nice hat Ned." Ned smiled as he fixed his cowboy hat,"Thanks it gives me confidence." Callie quickly covered her mouth to keep her from laughing out loud also for the sake for Ned's confidence,"Maybe we should go back home Aunt May." Peter looked at the mansion with a worried scared look on his face without even thinking I placed my hand on his shoulder and slightly rubbing it,"You're going to be fine Peter." I don't think Peter even had second thoughts as he placed his hand on top of my own, with that one action the car grew silent I swear I heard a cricket,"Okay you two lets go inside." Callie opened the door for Ned and me to get out so I removed my hand from Peter's shoulder giving a awkward smile to Aunt May, she then hit Peters arm and smirked,"Get out, go have a good time." Peter quickly kissed her cheek before he got out of the van and we began walking towards the front door but the boys walked behind us so I turned around to see what they were doing. I saw Peter lift his sleeve and Ned nodded but stopped once he made eye contact with me, when I turned back around Callie had already knocked on the door. The girl who opened the door smiled brightly at us she seemed older and she was so pretty,"Hi you guys must be friends of Peter, I'm Liz. As much as I would love to stay and chat I have to make sure no one breaks the window, enjoy guys!" Liz then walked down the hall but on her way she waved at Peter, he seemed star struck as Ned watched her walk away,"Okay then." We all walked into the kitchen were Callie had grabbed us some drinks,"I need to use the bathroom be right back." Peter had ran off in the same direction Liz had ran off to, just watching him felt as if someone and punched me in the stomach. I quickly grabbed a red solo cup and poured myself some drink in a pitcher not worrying about what it was then drank it,"Hey kid slow down with the drinks." Ned grabbed the cup from my hand as Callie and him walked me outside to a chair,"Stay here while Ned and I look for Peter. There's no way he's peeing for this long." Once they look off I saw another pitcher on the counter by the pool and poured myself another cup,"Oh well." I drank from the cup while I sat by the pool at this point I really didn't give two shits and I didn't know why. But once I saw the way Liz smiled at Peter and he ran after her made me want to curl into a ball under my blankets in my bed. When I looked up to see the stars I just smiled and drank,"At least you stay." While looking around the backyard something caught my eye from the roof, it looked like someone trying to hide but they were looking at the party inside. They then took off to jump off the roof towards the front of the house, I pushed myself up running back inside pushing threw the crowd that was dancing to the remixes playing threw the speakers. When I finally made it to the front I saw they shot almost a string like from their wrist and flung themselves to a tree across the street and continued until they turned a corner at the end of the street. I looked back at the party behind me and took off running towards whatever I had saw on top of the roof.


After running for a while I finally caught this person standing in the middle of a golf field and shot the string substance from their wrist towards the field,"Holy shit that goes pretty far." They then took off running threw the field until they tripped into a dirt patch,"Ouch." I slightly laughed to myself and took off following them but staying behind so they couldn't see or hear me, they lead me to a bridge where something was causing a huge light to appear. As I made my way to a corner where I could hear the conversation I saw three men behind a white van with multiple weapons in the back,"What the-" Before I could finish my sentence a ringer went off behind me but more like above me, I turned around to see something hanging from above trying to turn off their phone. It was the spider thing Ned had showed Callie and I a while ago, the men heard the ringer and pulled out guns,"Who's there?" He then dropped from the celling and walked towards them,"Oh great you again spider boy."
"We had one date and you already forget my name, its Spider-Man by the way." I backed up slowly so I wouldn't get involved but when I took a step back I crushed a branch which caused the men to see me,"Get her!" I took off running not even daring to look back but something had grabbed me lifting me in the air,"What are you doing here?" I looked to see Spider-Man was holding me as he lifted us up the hill,"I could ask you the same thing, get down!" I tackled him down as some laser bean passed above us destroying the car that was in front of us, he grabbed my hand and we took off running towards a house,"Stay here and call for help." He flung himself the van leaving me there stranded, no way was I going to stay put so once I saw a woman unlocking her car I quickly ran to her crying,"Excuse me may I use your car, someone took my boyfriend-" The woman was terrified and seemed to buy my story but yet again she was pretty old so she handed me her keys,"Thank you so much." I quickly got in the car and drove in the direction the van was heading when I almost behind them I saw Spider-Man jumping roof after roof so I flashed my lights so he could see me. I eventually caught his eye which caused him to drop down on the car threw the sun roof I opened,"I told you to stay still."
"And I didn't listen."

Hey everyone! Sorry for the slow update I've been super busy with summer school and writing my other story Polaroids (self promo) you should go check it out it's a Tom Holland fanfiction. Okay back to this story lol I hope you enjoyed this chapter I will try to update as soon as I can, until next time! Byyeeeeeee!

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