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After what seemed like a horrible way to enter a new school things finally settled down. Flash didn't get suspended but he got a lot community service hours and for the rest of us we only had a few. I decided to work off my hours all at once with Callie, she wanted to get them out of her way. Which I can completely understand she's got people to take care of, I had a couch to keep warm but at last everything fell into place. Callie woke me up, we climbed out the window, fell on my ass again, took the train, and went to class, it seemed as if everyone had just moved on from the events from a couple days ago. Since I finished my math test early I was allowed to roam the halls freely but after a few minutes of a pure normal life I caught Peter and Ned looking around the corner,"Dear god what are you two up to now?" They both turned around as if they had seen a ghost and Peter quickly covered my mouth,"Chelsy keep your voice down there's some people here." I nodded as we all looked around the corner to show two tall men walking into the basement where wood shop was,"Ned watch them I'll be right back." Peter walked back but I grabbed his arm before he could leave,"Where are you going?" Ned and Peter exchanged looks and both looked at the ground,"I can't tell you I'm sorry." He removed my hand off his arm and ran into the boys bathroom, I looked at Ned begging him to tell me what was going on but he covered his mouth. Why wouldn't they tell me anything? They promised me that they would never lie to me and now they're keeping a secret from me. I angrily walked away towards my locker, Ned tried to call me back but I ignored him. Once I got to my locker I grabbed everything I needed for homework and checked my phone,"I can skip." My last class was math but the teacher has already given up on his job and just sleeps at his desk. He never assigns homework or gives us test, he gives us a packet that's due at the end of the week. I closed my locker and began walking to the bus station,"Chelsy wait up!" I turned around to see Michelle walking towards me,"Hey what's up?" She handed me a flyer about an academic scholastic decathlon,"One of the girls on our team got sick and now she can't compete with us. Mr. Harrington asked me to find someone, I've been observing you and I think you'd fit the team pretty well. We are going to Washington for nationals and we could use someone like you then. You in?" She has never talked to me once only to Peter and Ned, she was an observer and I respected her for that,"Are you on the team?" She nodded and fixed her bag,"Think about it and let me know tomorrow." I nodded as she walked away, the entire way home I was reading the flyer and was considering accepting her offer.


Later that night I was on my bed doing homework while my parents were cooking dinner, everything seemed normal for about a couple hours until a familiar masked guy knocked on my window. I quickly looked up and saw him hanging upside down waving at me, before I could wave back I realized I was only in a oversized tee shirt and a messy bun. I grabbed a pair of leggings and ran into my closet to change, once I was done he had already let himself inside,"You know we have a door right?" He sat on my bed and laughed,"Yeah sure and I'll meet your parents with my stunning charm and masked face." I rolled my eyes and sat next to him,"Why do you come here so often?" He shrugged his shoulders and looked around trying to avoid eye contact,"I just want to make sure you're okay." I stayed silent not because I was only shocked but I didn't know how to respond,"Um...when do I get to see you, like your actual face." He shrugged his shoulders once again,"Soon I just don't want to freak you out." I kinda understood where he was coming from but I was so desperate to know who he was,"Chelsy! Dinners ready!" We both jumped at the sound of my moms voice and I began pushing him into my closet,"Go hide! She can't know your here!" Before he could object I heard the front door opening and closing,"Callie's here too!" I quickly pushed him in and shut the door just in time that my own door opened,"Hey nerd your mom invited me to dinner." Callie threw herself on my bed making herself comfortable, I closed my door getting a quick glance of my parents playing with Juliet and Thomas,"What are you hiding?" This girl can like read my mind or something,"Open the closet now." I slowly did as I was told to Spiderman hiding behind some of my clothes, Callie quickly sat up and began to panic,"What the hell is he doing here? Did you kidnap him!?"
"Absolutely not! He let himself in again-" She put her hands up and almost screamed,"He's been here before!?" I nodded slightly,"Well your mom may be distracted now but she wanted to invite Peter and she's going to send us so Spidey Motel 6 is closed time to go!" With that my mom knocked on my door,"Chelsy! Get dressed into something cute and go invite that cute neighbor Peter!" I began to blush like crazy and Callie was trying so hard not to laugh while Spiderman was staying pretty quiet will looking at the ground,"I'm coming in!" Callie acted quick and pushed him out of the window,"Callie!" She pushed me into the closet next as my mom walked in,"Oh thank you for helping her get ready Callie be ready in five minutes okay?" She gave a big smile and handed me a sweater,"Alrighty Mrs. Roderguiz!" Once my mom left I ran to the window to see Spiderman swinging to the other side of the building,"Hurry up and get dressed your boyfriend will be back." I rolled my eyes and quickly changed into the outfit she had set up for me,"He's not my boyfriend." She just laughed and fixed my hair,"You're right your boyfriend is across the hall."


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