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"She's going to okay but unfortunately we could not get a hold of her parents, we can keep her overnight until they pick her up or if any of you are twenty one you may sign her out." Callie's eyes widened as she began digging threw her backpack, moments later she pulled out her wallet and handed an ID to the nurse,"Sign here and here, I'll unhook her." Peter and Ned exchanged looks as the nurse gave her a clipboard then took out the needle in my arm,"Here you go, thank you again." Ned helped me up as Peter placed me in a wheel chair and pushed me down the hall towards the elevator. We all stayed silent until the elevator doors closed us in all alone,"What the Callie you're not twenty one!" She rolled her eyes and showed us her fake ID,"It's not for booze trust me, this isn't the first time I've brought in an underage person in here." With that sentence we all fell back to the silence until Peter bent down next to me and whispered,"I'm sorry I lost you in the crowd. I never meant for any of this to happen to you." I just smiled and nodded hoping he'd drop the subject, this was one of the many things I never want to remember or be reminded of.

Once the nurses gave us a ride to my apartment complex due to non of use being able to legally drive and not having much money for a cab, Peter rolled me to the elevator in our building,"When did this get here? I went up and down Satan's stairs ten thousand times, Peter why didn't you tell me?" He slightly blushed but kept silent as Ned and Callie exchanged looks and smirking. When we got my apartment I found out my parents had to leave for an emergency business trip and wouldn't be back for a least a week or more. So we all made a plan on when and who will watch me so I don't mess myself up anymore, Peter had first watch since he only lived across the hall,"Um I can take you to my apartment until you get tired so Callie can take care of you tomorrow morning." I nodded as I stood up from my wheel chair,"I don't really need it I have everything covered up." Peter opened the door for me to his apartment, it was almost like my own but decorated nicely. The smell of something burning almost like smoke came from the kitchen,"Aunt May!" A middle aged woman came running in waving a towel around trying to get rid of the smoke now covering the entire house, Peter and I helped out his aunt until it was clear enough to see,"I'm so sorry Peter I tried to make your uncles-who's this?"

"Hi I'm Chelsy Rodriguez, I live right across the hall...I'm also a friend of Peter's." She smiled and shook my hand,"Hi I'm Peter's Aunt, May. Would you like to join us for dinner? I can order some Chinese." Peter sighed while covering his face,"That sounds lovely, thank you." Aunt May ran to the next room to get the restaurants number to place in our order,"I'm sorry about aunt May, she normally only see's Ned around the house with me." We both laughed as I looked at some of the photos hung on the wall, one of the photos stood out to me. It was a picture of aunt May, Peter and another Man,"Who's that?" Peter got silent but sadly smiled,"That's my uncle Ben, he died a few months ago." I quickly faced Peter with pure guilt in my chest for bringing up his uncle,"I'm so sorry Peter." I placed my hand on his arm trying to comfort him,"It's okay...um let me show you my room you can rest there while we wait for the food." Peter began to walk down the hall to open a door to a small room with a bunk bed and a small desk covered in textbooks and computer pieces. In the corner there was a huge Lego model,"Is that a death star? Like from Star Wars?" He ran in front of it and shrugged his shoulders,"Pft no..maybe, okay Ned left it here the last time we hung out." I just laughed as I sat down on the bed,"Don't worry I love Star Wars, Parker."


"Rise and shine mother fucker!" Callie pulled off the blankets off me and smiled at me,"Go away..." I covered my head with a pillow until Callie threw it off me,"Just case I let you skip class once kid doesn't mean you can skip class forever." She was right yesterday was a consequence for skipping school,"Let me get dressed." I pulled myself up to my closet and threw some black jeans on with a white top and slipped on some boots. Callie grabbed a brush and began braiding my hair,"You can also go to school looking like you didn't just roll out of bed." After we both were ready we began walking towards the elevator,"I still can't believe Peter didn't tell me about this, that cheeky little shit." She just rolled her eyes and laughed,"You my friend are so blind." Once we got to school everyone was all gossiping about the breakout yesterday,"Do you think anyone knew we were there?" I clutched my books closer to my chest and nodded,"I hope not." Ned and Peter were waiting by my locker until Flash came up to them,"What's up Penis Parker."
"Not again."

Callie and I walked up to them and Flash turned around with a huge smirk on his face,"Well hello again losers." This time I cut off Callie,"Piss off Flash and leave Peter alone." Everyone seemed to be in shock once I finally spoke up,"Look who has some balls now." He slapped the books out of my hands and pushed me against the lockers,"Leave her alone Flash!"
"Not yet I want to see if this dog can bite and not just bark." I gave a worried look towards Peter and gave a cool hard stare to Flash,"This dog can do more then just bite."

Hey guys! The picture above is a picture of Callie, I'll try to get a picture of Chelsy uploaded in the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed! Oh btw if you haven't watched the Spider-Man Homecoming movie yet go watch it! I will update very soon, till then guys!

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