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"Chelsy wake up." I slowly opened my eyes to see my mother hovering over me with a creepy smile,"What the! Mom!" She rolled her eyes and pulled the blankets off me,"Get up there's some girl waiting for you outside. She looks suspicious, please tell me you're not doing drugs are you in a gang?" By then I was wide awake and shaking my head,"Mom no, she's a girl I met yesterday her name is Callie." My mom finally calmed down while heading for the door,"Ohhh how nice we'll hurry up don't want to keep her waiting." When she closed the door after she left I decided to get dressed so I don't have to leave Callie alone with my mom. I slipped on a red sweatshirt with some black jeans and my white converse. Quickly ran a brush threw my hair and grabbed my bag heading towards the kitchen to see Callie eating cereal with my mom,"Oh hey kid! Ready to go?" I slightly nodded at how comfortable she had gotten in the past five minutes,"Thank you for the cereal Mrs. Rodriguez, I'll make sure Chelsy has no troubles at school." We both waved bye to mom one last time before we headed towards the stairwell,"Jesus your mom is nice, unlike my mom well she's never around to be nice."

For some reason Callie was just straight forward with me, holding nothing back. Yet again the girl did climb threw my window late at night just to say hi,"Is it just you and your mom?" Callie shook her head as we began walking towards the subway,"Nah I got two younger siblings and an older brother, my dad is in prison." With all this information I had just received all I could say was,"I had a dog." She just laughed at me while we got on the train,"You're too innocent kid." No I-yes I was,"Maybe but I'm book smart."
"I'm street smart and computer smart, stick with me and you'll survive." For the rest of the trip to school we just asked random questions trying to get to know each other better. Callie has had a rough life, she's tough but a softie when it comes to her family or someone she cares about. She's learned how to defend herself and can hack any system with her trusty laptop.

"So let me get this straight, your fifteen. Only child. Straight A student. Innocent. Book Worm. You're favorite food is pizza bites. And you love superheroes. Nice, I like you." Once Callie dropped me off at the front office I got all my books and locker combination including my schedule,"Hey kid what classes do you have?" I handed her the slip of paper as we walked to my locker,"Cool we have first, third, and sixth period together."
"I'm gonna sit in the back of the class for second, fourth and-" I was cut off by a boy getting shoved into a locker right next to me, his model of the human body system was destroyed but before I could even speak Callie was already in front of the bully,"Hey Flash! Stop pushing kids around or else you're going to end up on the floor." The guy stopped in his dead tracks when he was walking away and started laughing,"Shut up Callie, he was in my way besides you wouldn't lay a figure on me." Within a heartbeat she had him pinned against the wall with a fist full of his shirt in her hand. I looked behind me at the boy who was pushed, he was chubby and looked like an easy target. When I turned back around Callie still had Flash in her hands,"Now walk away or else I will do the damage to you like you did to his model." As she let him go he walked away scoffing at her,"Callie you could have-" She held up her hand and point to the kid on the floor holding a few pieces of his model in his hand,"Hi, I'm Ned." We both helped him clean up the mess before the bell rang,"Hi I'm Callie that's Chelsy she's new here." Ned waved at me while smiling,"So you got any friends? You're welcome to join us."

"Oh my friend he's in Germany right now but would you mind if I sat with you guys I got no one till Monday." Callie and I exchanged looks,"What kind of sandwich is that?" Ned held up his bag for us to see,"Meatball with Swiss cheese." We both nodded and smiled,"I want half and yes you can sit with us."
"Deal!" Once the bell rang we all walked to first period together since Callie told him my schedule. The day went on as normal, teachers didn't really make a big deal that I was a new student. So by lunch Ned, Callie and I were siting in the back of the Cafeteria talking,"So Ned would you like to join us this weekend, we can hang out and watch movies." He nodded before Callie could even finish,"Of course! You guys are so nice!" I laughed at his sudden outburst and then it hit me maybe this wasn't so bad or scary after all.
During the weekend Ned and Callie came over..well Callie crawled threw the window again. We watch Starwars and and ate pizza all weekend long, one morning Ned was up before us staring at his computer,"Ned what are you doing?" Callie was deep asleep so I covered in a blanket while I sat next to him, he was watching a video of someone dressed in a spider costume,"Who is that?" Ned shrugged but began to research,"He's some new superhero, he seems to be in the New York area." Callie woke up and grabbed the computer and started typing away,"I hate when she does that."
I placed my hand on his shoulder as Callie was typing away,"Shh guys I'm trying to get into the Avengers system, see if he is an official member or someone to target." Ned and I walked to the kitchen to where my mom had left us some breakfast,"Chelsy I love your mom." I started laughing as we began eating but Callie came in and handed us the computer,"I can't get in, I need my computer." Ned's phone went off and he smiled,"My friend just got back in town! I'll see you guys tomorrow at school and I'll introduce you to him." We waved bye to Ned as he walked out of my apartment,"You're not going to drop this Spider hero huh?" She shook her head and grabbed a piece of bacon,"Nope, come on we got homework kid."
Monday morning Callie woke me up and threw some clothes at me,"Here change we gotta go I found something about this spider boy." I quickly changed into some blue jeans, a black tank top with a gray cardigan and slipped on my white shoes,"Come on kid I already told your mom we left." She opened the window and motioned me to follow her. I hesitated but did it anyway, it wasn't that bad until I looked down,"How do you do this every day?" She shrugged and smiled,"I like to take risk." Once I saw that this ledge stopped at the end of the building I freaked out,"Callie there better be an elevator on the side of the building." Callie then pressed her back to the wall and slowly walked around the corner, I followed of course. Once I saw there was a hanging pole she then jumped off the ledge and grabbed onto the pole and swung herself to a fire escape,"Come on! Don't think about it you'll be fine I promise!" Excuse me but if I forget to mention we live on the tenth floor,"But what if I fall!"
"You won't I do this every day!" I nodded and took a deep breath, just do it Chelsy. I jumped towards the pole I was surprised I caught it but I saw Callie yelling at me,"Swing yourself to the ledge!" With all my strength I began to swing myself and dropped down near Callie,"Nice landing." But after she said that I fell on my butt,"Well at least you didn't eat shit."

Once we got to school Callie dragged me to the computer lab,"What did you find?" She plugged in her computer and began typing away,"This thing is not an official member of the Avengers but it's not on their favorites list." I took a seat next to her and watched as she hacked their system,"Then what is this person?"
"Seems to me as an-" We were cut by Ned opening the door he walked over to us,"Hey guys this is my friend you know the one that was in Germany last week." The boy who walked behind him was the last person I expected him to be, it was Peter. Him and I locked eye contact immediately,"That's Callie on the computer and this is-"
"Chelsy. We've met." We smiled at each other until Callie slammed her hand on the table,"Damn it! They noticed someone was in their system."
"What are you trying to hack Callie?" Ned took the seat next to her,"I was trying to get into the Avengers system but I didn't find much about the spider thing." Peter got quite as soon as we started talking about it,"Well they um have a tight system." Callie and I turned to face him and Ned spoke for him,"He has an internship with Tony Stark." I quickly looked at Callie and shook my head no,"Hey Peter you don't happen to work with their computers."
"Um no i-" She held up her hand and sighed,"Ill try again after-what is this." Callie got a news report saying: Prison Escape in Queens.
"Who wants to skip school today?"

Hey guys! So I wrote this entire chapter in maybe a few hours after seeing the recent Spider-Man Movie, this story may contain some things from that movie but the story line is my original thought just mixed in with some things from the original and recent. Hope you enjoyed and if you haven't yet go watch Spider-Man Homecoming! It is totally worth it, it was AMAZING in my opinion. Bye guys!

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