Chapter 8

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Crystal's P.O.V

I woke up earlier than usual that morning. It was 4:35. I had a few hours to get ready. I tossed the covers over this morning and headed to the mirror. I looked so...different. I saw the old Crystal. The shy, meek, little girl who was scared of everyone. I looked down and saw a necklace and note. It was a pretty necklace. One of those keys to my heart ones.

I felt a small smile, I didn't even know it was there last nigh. I picked it up, it felt cold and dusty. I opened the locket part and my stomach fell. Inside was a picture of Cory carrying me. It was a cute picture. It was from Cory. But why would he give me a necklace? Especial a key to my heart one?

I picked up the note. There was one way to find out....No! No, no, no. I tossed the note back on the dresser and walked over to the closet. A few of the clothes I brought on tour were in there. I picked up a plain pair of flare jeans. A gray Cami with little lace design on the bottom and a blue tie.  It was perfect. Showed off my figure without making me look...well slutty. No need for any other accessories. It was a private school after all.

I took a quick shower. And rapped the fluffy white towel around me. I walked out and headed to my room. I accidental bumped into someone. Sparks tingled my skin and felt my face heat up. "Sorry" I mumbled and ran to my room. Not wanting to hear what he had to say. I got changed and looked at the clock. 5 o'clock exactly.

I smiled meekly as I remembered my old routine. Wake up early, make breakfast, head back to my room and pretend I didn't do anything. I walked down to the kitchen, it was empty. I feel right back into the my old rhyme.

This time I made 2 kinds of pancakes. Chocolate chip and regular. Toast with strawberry and blueberry jams. Orange juice and mild. And bacon. Everyone's favorites. I froze at what I done. I remembered all their favorites. I sent a fruit bowl out in case Maggie didn't like anything.

Silently I became to wash the dishes. It felt right to be doing this again. After a few minutes I felt someone's presence. I stiffened, but continued to clean up.

I glanced back so whoever could see my blank look. "It's not nice to spy on people" I said flatly.Not really caring who it was. Or why they were there. It didn't bother me that they were there either. Why should I? Everyone knew it was me who did this.

"I wasn't spying" Cory said. "Just wondering who was up at 5 in the morning."

"Well now you know" I said coolly. Not turning around. I continued to wash the dishes. He watched me, I could feel his eyes on me. Finally, after it made me insane, I spun around. "What? Why are you staring at me" I snapped.

He looked embarrassed, "you just look pretty." He smiled sheepishly at me. I blinked in surprise. Did he really just say that?

"Oh, well thanks" I said. Fishing the dishes I began setting up the table with plates and napkins. Folks and knifes.

"I always wanted to ask you" he said suddenly. "Why did you do this?" I froze, no one ever asked. No one cared. I put the last fork down slowly. And turned to face him with a blank look. "No one's making you do this. So why?"

"My mother used to do this for me and Zane" I said slowly. "Saying the little pixies did it." I felt myself smile at the memory. Mom pretending to be in bed while Zane and I discovered the breakfast on the table. "So I just wanted to, I dunno, do something nice." I shrugged at the last part, finishing the table, I smiled. Mom would've been proud.

Cory was watching me with sad eyes, like he was longing to say something. "Wake everyone up" I said while passing him. I cracked a small smile at him, "tell them the pixies came back." He smiled too, but it was forced. I walked back up to my room. I looked at my old wooden guitar. It was the first one I ever got.

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