Chapter 17

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Austin's POV

It's so strange, being here. The guys seem to be having fun though. Especially Nick, I felt a scowl form on my face as I saw how intensely he was starting at Crystal. Of course I knew he had one of those celebrity crushes on her. He wouldn't think twice about her if she wasn't. I hoped so anyway. Crystal was mine and that was that. He watched her so excitedly. She was in the middle of her 10th song, I don't know how she did it. Sing for so long and hold those notes either.

"Now we got a real special treat for y'all" she said almost breathlessly. "While were doing a little scene change, an up in comin' band is gonna play. Can we give them a hand?" The crowd erupted into an applause, as Crystal waved and walked off the stage. A new band of 3 boys came up. A drummer, bass player, and guitar player. A simple rock bad that I didn't catch the name of. I didn't really care either.

When Crystal got off stage Nick hugged her and spun her around. Saying she was shocked was an understatement. And quite frankly I was too, Nick was always timid and shy. What the hell was he doing? She raised an eyebrow at him in question, he blushed and set her down.

She turned to talk to the rest of the guys, walking up to Nick I hit his arm. "She's mine" I hissed and he just narrowed his eyes a little at me. I was surprised, usually he never argues with me or does anything that might be seen as a challenge. He nodded once, eyes still narrowed and walked away.

Tyler's P.O.V

Staring at the ceiling I tried to ignore Cory damn muttering. I missed Crystal as much as him, but at least I kept it to myself. He's been muttering since we got here, and I was ready to punch him. I never thought I would ever NOT want to hear Crystal's name. Even on the ride here he'd sulk and whine about not being able to see her.

"Would you shut up" Matt groaned. "We get it, you miss this chick. Now go the f*ck to sleep!" Cory just growled and started to whine again.  Matt's bed squeaked and the floor boards creaked with each step he took, then faster than a blink of an eye, he slapped Cory. Sounded pretty hard too. I felt myself smirk, maybe that'll shut him up. They started rolling on the floors from the sound of it, I let out an annoyed sigh.

"Guys just stop" Ryan said, he didn't seem as sad as before. I took a quick glance at him, he seemed stronger no, more like an alpha I guess. He stood straight, cold bored sky blue eyes. Wow those were some cool looking eyes. "We'll have to be here for awhile so we just have to deal with it. And it won't help if you 2 idiots want to kill each other." He went to the bed next to mine and got under the blankets. "Now shut it and go to bed. They said training starts tomorrow."

With that he closed his eyes and pretended we weren't staring at him. I would have NEVER imagined he'd be the calm one the way he was moping on the ride here. "He's right, let's get some sleep" I muttered, turning my back to him. My wolf frowned when I did, but I ignored him. He was always so strange. Closing my eyes I tried to link Crystal again, but nothing worked. I frowned and went to sleep. The last thing I thought of was the fact I had missed one of her shows for the first time.


I'm really sorry for such a late update and that this one is short. I promise the next one will be much longer. Tell me whatcha think and please vote if you liked it :)

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