Chapter 10

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Crystal's P.O.V

I knew Cory was holding me now. I felt the sparks. I didn't care, I just needed to cry. Even if some random perverted guy ripped me out of Tyler's arms I doubt I would least at the moment. I had too many emotions all at once.

Pain of the rejection. Anger of being weak in front of Cory. Happiness at his touch. Comfort from being held. for who I didn't know. Maybe it was for Tyler, maybe for Cory. I was too distressed to care.

He took me to his car. When he was sitting he started to rock me as if I were a baby. He murmured comforting words into my hair. Kissing the top of my head every now and then. I felt so...undone. Like all my emotions I've been trying to hold back was just flowing out of me. I felt powerless.

I also I belonged there. In his arms. Having him comfort me. I guess that's what happens when you're with your mate. But....he rejected me.

I shot up, trying to get out of his grip. He didn't want to hold me. Tyler did though. But he pulled me back to him, holding me tighter than before. Bringing me to his chest. His head buried in my hair.

"Don't ever do that" he whispered. "Never try to leave me." I couldn't have heard him right. He rejected me. I just had to keep reminding myself that. He didn't want me.

I pushed away again, "you rejected me." It came out as a whisper, even my old speaking habits were back. But he heard it. And I though I saw regret and pain pass over his face. But I knew it was only a trick.

"I'd never do that" he said. Something in his voice said he was being sincere. But I knew better. He slapped me for god's sake! He could've just said he didn't want me, he didn't have to hit me too. He didn't have to break my heart and then almost break my jaw. Doing one is rube, but's unthinkable!

"But you already did" I said in a flat tone. It was the hardest thing to do too. I had so many emotions that I hoped didn't show in my eyes. I needed to be indifferent. I had to seem completely and totally calm, even if I was really a nervous wreck on the inside.

It looked as if I tore his heart out. I wanted to comfort him now. But I didn't. And my wolf and I both agreed we shouldn't and wouldn't. We had to remain strong and distant. Hurt me once same on you, hurt me twice shame on me.

And I will not have that. There is no way I can let him hurt me again. I didn't deserve that and neither did my wolf. He wasn't worth the heartache. Or was he? No, stop! I can't be thinking like that anymore. But if I couldn't, why was it so hard to?

"Crysta, please" he said in a desperate voice. "Please just let me explain." I stood there, weighing my options. If i listened I could get sucked into a trap and be made a fool. Or I could get a happy ever after.

I waited. What was the harm in listening to what he had to say?

Cory's P.O.V

She stared at me. No emotions crossed her face. But she didn't leave. I took that as a good sign. At least she wasn't running away. I took a deep breath. How was I suppose to explain this to her?

"I'm waiting" she said finally. A flat, bored tone. Complete indifference. She was faking it, she was always the perfect actor. Never failing to look like she was happy when she wanted to cry. She has always been impossible to read. This was like walking through a mine field blind folded. Almost impossible. Almost..

"I never meant to say that" I said. Then mentally slapped myself. That's what I say? God, I really am an idiot. She snorted, obviously think the same thing I did.

"Really? 'I never meant to say that'?" she mimicked me. It was actually a pretty good one too. "You really are stupid, aren't you? Honestly!" More tears stung in her eyes. It was probably a mix of anger and sadness. "Well guess what: you did say that! And you slapped me! What the hell!? Why would you even do that!?"

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