Chapter 9

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Crystal's P.O.V

Tyler and I were walking through the halls. We were the only students from the Shadow pack that knew where we were going. It was funny though. Everyone knew I used to go to school here, but they still asked if I wanted a tour of the school. Lots of guys asked me. And lots of girls asked Tyler.

teachers spent most of the time talking about wolves. Separating myth from truth. And talking about white wolves. Tyler and i exchanged a knowing glance and smirked to ourselves. The day went by pretty slowly.

Until lunch, nothing happened. But something always happens. It's my life after all. I was sitting with the band when it happened. We took a table near the back, we got there early so no one would ask us to sit with them. We took up the whole table.

We were laughing about how stupid this place was when Cory came up to us. Everyone got quiet. Like they were afraid to speak around him. "Uh, hey Cory. What's up?"

"Well my father and I were talking about your safety-" he started.

"What about her safety" Tyler cut in. A glare filled with hatred from the good old days when they first met came back. At least some things don't change.

"We were saying that you need more protection" he said, glaring at Tyler. "So I've been assigned to protect you." He smirked at Tyler. Who was having trouble deciding if he should glare at him or have his mouth hang open.

I decided to have my mouth hang open. "Wh-what" I mange to coke out. What the hell!? I don't need his protection. What is he doing? He rejected me 2 years ago and now he acts like he loves me. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Since you're a white wolf and all, we decided we needed to protect you" he said simply. Another smirk in Tyler's direction, "and I'm assigned to protect you."

I sat there silently. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening. I haven't been here for a full week and everything is already crashing down around me. Tyler and Abigail are yelling at Cory, saying it isn't fair. That they couldn't just do that to me.

I stood up suddenly, "I'm going to the gym." Without another word I walking towards the gym. Speed walking actually, but who cares about small details like that? Cory's running up behind me, calling for me to slow down.

Luckily the gym is really close to the cafeteria. I walk into the girl's locker room and sit on the floor. Strangely the tears don't start flowing like they used to. I remember the first time I came in here to cry.

It was a few weeks before summer started. It was after school and I was staying after for training. I wanted to be strong enough to run away in case I wasn't a wolf. My trainer told me to g into the woods. Saying that they would trap me in there and I should memorize it just in case.

I walked slowly through the tall trees, staring up at them. Not really paying attention to where i was going. That when it happened. I heard their snickers. I looked around but no one was there. Until Megan came out from one of the bushes. An evil smirk placed on her face.

"Well, lookie here" she cooed. "Little no wolf all alone in the woods." Soon her friends and some of the boys came out from other bushes or fell from the trees. I was trapped, just as my trainer said I would be.

I started to back away, "wh-what do you want Megan?" I tried to sound more confidante than I really was. You couldn't show fear to them. They'll use it against you.

She gave me a wicked grin, and then from behind her back she showed me a rock. It was huge, but it wasn't small either. A good sized rock, probably found by the river since the sides were somewhat smooth. She threw it up and down, never say a word.

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