Chapter 1

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Christine was walking down a hidden passageway that lead to the school's stage. As soon as she was on the stage she quickly looked around. Nobody was there, she smiled and took at her ipod and mini-sterio. She found that when the music played the acoustics made her sterio sound like a but of an orchestra. She started playing the music and singing along to the song.

Think of me, think of me fondly
When we've said goodbye
Remember me once in a while
Please promise me, you'll try

When you'll find that once again you long
To take your heart back and be free
If you'll ever find a moment
Spare a thought for me

We never said our love was evergreen
Or as unchanging as the sea
But if you can still remember
Stop and think of me

Think of all the things
We've shared and seen
Don't think about the way
Things might have been

Think of me, think of me waking
Silent and resigned
Imagine me trying too hard
To put you from my mind

Recall those days, look back on all those times
Think of those things we'll never do
There will never be a day
When I won't think of you

Flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade
They have their seasons, so do we
But please promise me that sometimes
You will think of me

When the song was done Christine drew a deep breath. It held such deep meaning, so much so she started to cry. She bend down and laid on the floor crying. She couldn't help but remember the past.

After her parents died she went and lived with Meg. But ever since the accident she was so depressed, not even that fact brought her joy. Her only joy she found in was music, but even that didn't help with her being depressed. She was so much so that she didn't come out of her room, unless it was absolutely necessary. She ignored everyone else, and for quite some time she was like that.

But eventually when high school started she snapped out of it a little. She was depressed so much anymore, just sad. It seemed nobody could make her happy. When Christine found the passageway to the stage, she felt slight happiness. It was amazing, her own special place. Even if it was broken down a bit. She felt like home there. The new stage was pretty, but the run-down one was just fitting  for her right now. So she came as often as she could.

Christine then remembered something from when her parents where alive. Teaching her that song, her mother directing her and her father playing the violin. She also remembered when her father told her something that made her feel hopeful.

"Christine, please, come over here." Her father said after playing the violin for her.Her mother was in the kitchen making dinner at the time. She came up and asked.

"What is it, papa?"

"Do you remember the stories your mother read to you?"

"Of course, how can I forget?" Her mother would tell her stories of a young girl being visited by her 'Angel of Music'

"Well, I want you to remember this" he leaned in closer for her to hear, and she did the same.

"When I am in Heaven, I will send the 'Angel of Music' to you." Christine was surprised.

"Do you mean it papa?"

"It's a promise, my darling child." Christine smiled and hugged her father.

"How will I know he will come?" He then let go and looked deeply into her eyes.

"If you remember the tune I just played, that will be your sign." Christine glanced at the violin then back at her father and smiled. He smiled back.

Christine remembered this, she was just nine years old at the time. But she didn't believe in the 'Angel of Music.' How could she, she was sixteen now. Plus her parents died over 7 years ago. Don't you think that the angel would've come by now?

She looked up at the ceiling, feeling more hopeless than ever. Not caring if anybody else was around she cried out

"I need you and you never came! Oh 'Angel of Music' why didn't you save me!?" She then cried and cried for what felt like hours, until her crying was soft and quiet. Barley a few breaths were heard. All of a sudden she heard a musical tune. A familiar musical tune. She lifted her head up and listened, she then gasped. It was her father's tune, the same tune her father promised as a sign for her 'Angel of Music' to come!

She heard it as if it was right behind her. It didn't help that it was also very dark except for the front of the stage. She was trembling and shaking, then a calming voice was heard.


It made her eyes widen in shock and fear. It sounded like it was right behind her.


The voice said again, this time Christine sat up and asked

"who-who are you?" the scared feeling in her tone was unmistakable.

"Don't be frightened, my child." the voice, which sounded low and calming, reassured her. "I am your 'Angel of Music.' "

Christine stood up shocked, a million questions running through her mind. "What?" was all she managed to say.

"You heard me, I am your 'Angel of Music'." the voice said again.

"No, you are not. Angel's don't exist." Christine stated, not believing what she was hearing.

"As surly as you are on the stage, I am real." The voice said.

"Then why did you come, when I needed you most?" Christine asked softly, not realizing what she was saying.

"I only come, when the time is right."

Christine didn't know what to say, she just stood there speechless. Trying to comprehend all that just happened. All of a sudden she began to realize that he was real after all.

"Sing Christine" Her Angel gently commanded.

Christine just stood confused. "What? Why?"

"Just sing" Her Angel then started playing the violin. The same tune as before. Christine didn't know what to do. He repeated the same section until she finally realized, he wasn't going to stop doing that until she complied and sang. So taking a deep breath in she started singing

Angel of music, guide and guardian
Grant to me your glory

Angel of music, hide no longer
Secret and strange Angel

She stopped and so did he. Their was a slight silent pause before he said

"Christine, I will make you a great singer. Your voice is unearthly, a true talent. I will make you the best singer in all the world. If you obey me and trust me."

Christine was shocked, not knowing what to say. 'I think I can trust him. After all he's my Angel.'She thought. Deciding what to do, she answered

"I will."

"I must go now"

"No, Angel please don't go." Christine begged. She heard him chuckle

"Do not fret, I will always be with you. Come back same time and I will be here, I promise"

Christine breathed again and let out a sigh of relaxation and smiled.

"Goodbye Angel"

She then felt a slight wind and just like that, she didn't feel his presence anymore. Christine went 'home' and contemplated the events that just occurred.

She didn't know why, but she didn't feel sad anymore, if anything she felt.....happiness.

'I have an 'Angel of Music' ' 

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