Chapter 2

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AN: This is 3 years later just to let you know. And a bit of an epilogue.
Christine met with her Angel almost every day. He helped her improve her musical abilities. (He was strict at times, but it was just his way)So much so that her voice reached new heights she never even dreamed about. She became more happier each day. People around her started noticing, and asked her(in a good way) why she suddenly had a change of mood. Christine would just smile and say "I've found what I've been looking for." This confused some, but nobody questioned it further. She also was in theater, but as a chorus girl. Other people started noticing how her voice sounded. But didn't say to much about it. Carlotta, the schools diva, was the lead role in every production. Nobody even tried to compete with her, because she was ver popular....and cruel. Making fun of everybody and snapping at people when things don't go her way. She especially picked on Christine. More than anybody else. Christine couldn't figure out why though. But she still kept a strong composure...until she was 'alone'. She confessed everything to her angel. it seemed he was the only one who listened to her intently. and understood what she was going through. He would always give her courage and strength with just the simplest phrase. Christine felt safe with her angel and wish he would never leave her. He promised he wouldn't, if she focused only on music(no distractions) and she would obey his commands. Or else he would leave. She took those to heart and never broke them. She would be even more depressed than before if he left.
Though one thing puzzled her, why he would never show himself to her. She questioned this one time. "Christine, you must never asked such a thing! I am here, isn't that enough?! Or do you want me to leave?!" "No, no please Angel don't go! I-Im sorry, I promise I won't bring it up again! I promise! Just please, please don't leave me." She never mentioned why again. It was about time to put on the production of 'The Little Mermaid'. Carlotta was the lead, of course. And it was during on of their rehearsals that something unusual happened. Carlotta was singing 'Part of your World' and Christine cringed at the sound. It was supposed to sound soft and gentle. Carlotta made it sound like a dying whale(in her own opinion) "......I've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty. I've got who-zits and what-zits galore. But who cares. No big deal. I WANT MORE!!!" It was then that part of the set, of what was supposed to be Ariel's cavern, fell on top of her. Everyone screamed "IT'S THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!!" Christine heard if the phantom. He loved theater and he ruled over this one.(it was one of the most famous school theaters, in the world,) He was also a perfectionist ('kind of like my Angel' Christine thought at one point). If there was a tune, set, prop, person, costume, etc. out of place, disaster fell. He also demanded a salary of twenty thousand dollars a month.(the school also happened to be very rich) And that box 5 would be empty for him. Joseph buquet(a school hand who worked there) told scary stories about how, he lives beneath the school, and will hunt you take you down with him, if your not on your guard. This frightened everyone, including Christine. She told her angel these stories. He chuckled and told her not to worry,as long as he is with her. The Opera Ghost won't hurt her. She then felt relief and calmed down a bit. "This is the last straw!!!!" Carlotta screamed, which caught Christine's attention. "Carlotta it's alright, it won't happen again." Answered one of the directors and 'owners' if the theater. "It won't happen, again? THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR FAR TO LONG!!! I'm leaving!!!" With that Carlotta ran of the stage and out the door. Ignoring the calls of her name. "Well now what are we going to do?!" Mr. Andre, one of the owners and directors, asked. "Is there an understudy?" Mr. Firmin, the other owner and director, asked. "Their is no understudy for Carlotta." Our conductor answered. "Well the we will just have to cancel.." Mr. Andre started. "WAIT, Christine Daae can sing it, sir" Meg called out. Christine was shocked(her Angel had taught her the role, but she never thought of doing it) and was pulled up to the center of the stage. "A chorus girl? Are we sure about this?" Mr. Firmin asked. "Besides being a good singer, she's the only person you've got. Plus the knows the part by heart." Meg answered. "We'll then, will you sing for us, please, Christine." She only nodded, then taking center stage the music played. Getting a bit nervous she remembered her Angel and closed her eyes 'Just another practice' she thought.Then suddenly she had confidence and determination. She started to sing. "Look at this stuff, Isn't it neat, Wouldn't you think my collections complete? Wouldn't you think I'm the girl, The girl who has, Everything? Look at this trove, Treasured untold, How many wonders can one cavern hold? Lookin' around her you think, Sure She's got everything! I've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty. I've got who-zits and what's-zits galore. You want thing-a-ma-bobs? I've got twenty! But who cares, No big deal, I want more!" For the rest of the rehearsals went through with Christine as the lead. Since the opening was that night, she worked harder than ever, even though she knew the role forwards, backwards, upside down, and by heart(all thanks to her angel of music). Later that evening Christine was in her dressing room, costume on, sitting in front of her vanity mirror, getting ready. Madame Giry and Meg helped her with her costume, giving her pointers, and telling her she'll be great. Christine was finished putting on make(which didn't require much) and was about to do her hair, when the lights went out. She gasped and was about to stand up, until a black gloved hand appeared on her shoulder. She started to tremble, until she heard her Angel's voice. "Do not be frightened Christine." She relaxed at the sound then a small candle lit up in front of her, only illuminating her. She was surprised by it all. 'My angel is here with me physically? And the candle appeared out of nowhere...' She then felt her angels hands comb through her hair. interrupting her thoughts. Though it was slightly....relaxing. "Give me the brush Christine" It was an odd order, but she didn't question why, only complied to his hypnotic voice. "So much life. So much youth. So much you beauty, my Christine." A shy smile graced her lips, and she slightly tilted her head downward. Never receiving a compliment like that. It made her feel special. She then felt his hands move gracefully through her hair with the brush. Although it seemed the brush wasn't there at times. "Tonight, you will sing only for me." She nodded and said "I will" She then felt something hard press against her side. It didn't hurt though, it seemed he made sure of that. "This is for you Christine. It suits you. Though nothing compares to your beauty." He had put a beautiful, and what looked to be hand made, flower clip. It looked to be made of real flowers. Full of purples, pinks, and blues. With a few tints of Gold and sliver, that glimmered and shined in the light. It looked so real, it was amazing. She then felt his hand on her cheek, slightly rubbing it back and forth. She leaned into his touch. "Thank you" she was about to turn around and see him, but he forcefully, yet gently, kept her head and body in the position that it was in now. One hand on her head and the other on her shoulder and back part of her neck. "Not yet, my Angel." he slightly chuckled "Such a feisty one, you are." It was the yet that caught her. Is he really suggestion, what she only dreamed about? "You will soon though." Yep he was, he was going to reveal himself to her, after all this time! She smiled, and he chuckled. "You will be wonderful" She then felt his warm, soft lips on her cheek. She was shocked, then completely melted, at his touch, in pleasure. She smiled slightly, not wanting to ruin this moment. But it ended, then the candle went out. The lights came back on after a minute.
What set in place for the candle was a single, beautifully read rose with a deep black ribbon tied, as a bow, around it. She picked it up and rubbed her thumb along the black ribbon. She remembered his words 'You will sing only for me.' "I will"

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