Chapter 10

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HEY!!!! OKAY! THANK YOU!!! @phantomphanfiction !!! Yes I've been getting help writing these chapters because, I have no inspiration and I want to finish these books. Thank you for all of you who are loyal and VERY patient. Love you all.

Weeks passed. Everything calmed down. Everyone at school had seemed to forget the incident with the lights, the picture, Carlotta getting cut and Raoul getting hit. I wasn't getting teased as often. I had been spending every night with Erik, now that Mrs.Giry was better. I even knew my way through the tunnels now! The whole cast was sitting in the theatre, waiting for Mr.Andre and Mr.Firmin to announce the new show we would be putting on. I grew anxious. Raoul hadn't tried anything in the weeks that had passed. Erik reassured me everything would be fine, but I wasn't so sure.

"Everybody quiet down!" Everything became silent. "Alright, now....we don't normally do this type of thing, but, this performance will be about a very special Opera. Written by a....great man. We expect everyone to give it there all and if they don't....well you can just leave. Because this performance is the most important thing, besides your studies, right now.

This years Opera will be called....'Don Juan.' We will email you more information and touch more on it later today about it's background history. And we already have, from previous performances, the cast list. And we will be annoucing them now..... Our lead singers will be..... Ubaldo Piangi as our Don Juan and Christine Daae as Aminta......"

I froze. After that I knew what had happened. After we talked about it I raced down to Erik's home. "ERIK!!!" I called out. And not even half a second later he was right next to me.

"Christine? What's going on?" he took me to his couch and we sat down. I explained everything. He smiled at me. "I knew they would do that. I heard it all."

"Erik I have so many questions. Like what if-" He genty covered my lips.

"No What if's alright? I vowed to protect you. And that's what I'm going to do." I nodded after a few deep breathes.

"Okay okay, alright...... But I wish I was doing it with you." I pouted.

"My dear, who says your not?" I looked at him confused. Erik just chuckled. "In time you will know my dear, in time." I shrugged it off and we went right on with our voice lessons.

The next few days were spent rehearsing our production. Everybody was scared. Worried about the Opera ghost. Carlotta was being diffucult as always. And I felt very scared and looking frantically everywhere for Raoul. Thankfully I didn't see him.

"From the top, please Christine." Mr. Reyer asked me too and played the chord.

Silken couch and hay-filled barn
both have been his battlefield.

Then Piangi, poor guy, got a little confused. I sat down and kept thinking of Raoul and Erik. Why can't I live my life free from Raoul and be with Erik? I didn't hear anything but my own thoughts. They've gotten so jumbled. I unconsiously touched my locket. My father...... I need to go- Suddenly the piano started playing on it's own. I looked up and saw Erik in the shadows. Controling every note. The chorus sang out of fright.

Poor young maiden! For the thrill
on your tongue of stolen sweets
you will have to pay the bill -
tangled in the winding sheets!

I had to go. I had to visit someone. After rehearsal I ran outside and went to the graveyard. once I got there I was at the gates when I sae some flowers in full bloom. Odd because it was almost winter. I came in and started walking to the back end of the graveyard.

Little Lotte
thought of everything and nothing . . .
Her Father promised her
that he would send her the Angel of Music . . .
Her father promised her . . .
Her father promised her . . .

I closed my eyes and let the tears fall.

You were once my one companion
You were all that mattered
You were once a friend and father
Then my world was shattered
Wishing you were somehow here again
Wishing you were somehow near
Sometimes it seemed if I just dreamed
Somehow you would be here

Wishing I could hear your voice again
Knowing that I never would
Dreaming of you won't help me to do
All that you dreamed I could
Passing bells and sculpted angels
Cold and monumental
Seem for you the wrong companions
You were warm and gentle

Too many years fighting back tears
Why can't the past just die?
Wishing you were somehow here again
Knowing we must say, "Goodbye"
Try to forgive, teach me to live
Give me the strength to try
No more memories, no more silent tears
No more gazing across the wasted years
Help me say, "Goodbye"
Help me say, "Goodbye"

I stood in front of my fathers grave. Falling to my knees.

Wandering child,
So lost, so helpless
Yearning for my guidance

Angel or father
Friend or phantom
Who is it there, staring?

Have you forgotten your Angel?

Angel, oh, speak
What endless longings
Echo in this whisper!

Too long you've wandered in winter
Far from my fathering gaze...

Wildly my mind beats against you...

You resist....
Yet your/the soul obeys...

Angel of Music,
You/I denied me/you!
Turning from true beauty!
Angel of Music!
Do not shun me/My protecter!
Come to your/me strange Angel...

I am your Angel of Music...
Come to me; Angel of Music....

I smiled anf ran into the arms of Erik. Suddenly I heard a gunshot almost hitting us. I looked behind and see Raoul. My eyes widened. But I soon ran and fainted. I felt Erik coming and carrying me back to his home quickly. That's the last I remembered before blacking out.

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